When Every Year Valentine's Day Comes Poem by Ratan Bhattacharjee

When Every Year Valentine's Day Comes

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That day the sky was olive green
And the two green parrots repeated the words
'I love you'
Who exactly taught the birds to speak those words
I didn't know
But I knew it was easy to tell these words
in a moment of togetherness

The sun no longer shone in the sky
It was not the sunset still
She promised to come before the sunset.
she came and sat close to me.
She looked like an angel

To my surprise, she was clad in olive green
She was for me the sky
She greeted me with a casual 'hi'
She asked a series of questions
One question was -
'What date is today? '
I told '14th Feb'
'And just that? Nothing more? '
I stared at her face and she looked at the seashore.

She was silent in the twilight
Wanted to tell me something, all right.
But what did she want to say?
She only said 'Dont you know it's Valentine's Day?

I got back to my senses.
I was not in mine minutes before.
It was Valentine's day sure
It was, I heard, ' a lover's day, sure.
I wanted to apologise
I was so busy telling her ' I love you'
I missed what day it was.

But when I realised that it was
Valentine's Day
I forgot her call, her messges
I only remembered those three magical words
'I love you'

But she had left the place long ago
She is gone, gone for ever...

Still when every year Valentine's Day comes
I feel that it is my first love day
And I will whisper in my beloved' ears
'I love you'.

Dulakshi Wakista 11 February 2010

Heart touching poem.I loved the way you expressed the feelings of a girl.I loved 'She came and sat close to me like an angel'Wow! What an excellent simile.I really enjoyed it.

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