Where Are You? ? ? Poem by krishnakumar chandrasekar nair

Where Are You? ? ?

Beyond this ever green earthy curve
The blue blue rolling skies
The clouds so floating wide
The foreboding darkness of eternal nights
Only broken by shafts of comet lights
The million necklaces of twinkling stars
And a one large lonely nomadic moon
Tell me dear God, tell me if You can
Please, please tell me where are You..? ? ? ? ?

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 20 April 2015

Tell me dear God, tell me if You can Please, please tell me where are You..? ? ? ? ? .. nic quetion but feel within in vicilnity resides almighty

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Geetha Jayakumar 25 December 2013

This question is too tough to answer. Beautiful write.

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Dinesan Madathil 25 December 2013

We ask this question out of despair or reason. What we have to answer ourselves is.The question is hypothetical and here is your answer oh humanity - He is not there to answer from either the hide outs or from beyond the invisible horizons. He is not there. Because there is a question it has to be answered quite logically. The orphaned will ask where their parents are and the unpleasant answer is they are not anywhere.... In fact we once started with a wrong question and we time and again try to answer it quite hopelessly....

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Fiona Schwartzinoff 19 December 2013

Your despair is rather admirable. I like this.

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