A Love Affair That Never Was.... Poem by krishnakumar chandrasekar nair

A Love Affair That Never Was....

Rating: 5.0

I was too hesitant to come
You were too hesitant to call
Times chariot went speeding by
Now curtains have begun to fall....

Certain things are best kept mysterious so that they remain as ever green secrets.
Geetha Jayakumar 20 June 2014

A Fantastic poem. Short and sweet... said in few words...

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Poetheart Morgan 17 October 2013

You know Why? Because we love secrets and forbidden things more than reality

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David Wood 19 October 2013

Grasp happiness where and when you can even when time goes so quickly.

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Neela Nath Das 19 October 2013

Brevity of expression with profound thought.Intriguing.

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is it better to shatter smash all hope with a declared love professed refusal, to cast caution to the wind take a leap of faith in hopes of attaining ardent heart felt love, unrequited love declared rejected at least silenced nagging plague 'what if' regrets

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I wrote the poems 'What If Regrets Haunting: Undeclared Love' and 'What Happens To Too Hesitant To Declare Love? ', inspired by the poem 'A Love Affair That Never Was....', by the poet krishnakumar chandrasekar nair and dedicated to krishnakumar chandrasekar nair.

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Edmund Strolis 21 October 2015

He who hesitates is lost to that sad refrain of what if. Well said.......

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Daniel Brick 04 May 2015

Something must have happened between lines 2 and 4 which I cannot deduce. It seems both parties are paralyzed into inaction. Then we get the marvelous image from Andrew Marvell (one of my favorites too) and then curtains are coming down which your notes suggests are to cover up intimacy. So I'm assuming the fleeting quality of life made these two finally establish contact. If so, they are also fulfilling the theme of Marvell's poem.

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Mj Lemon 28 April 2015

Such a great poem. So much said in so few words. You leave us with a poignant reminder of how much loss can be suffered when we hesitate.

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Madathil Rajendran Nair 18 April 2015

Yes. Short and beautiful about missing the bus. It happens to many. But, there indeed is a sweetness about it. I get a sense from the last line that it is all still not over. Why don't you run after the bus and manage to get in? !

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