Where I Wanna Go Poem by Randy McClave

Where I Wanna Go

I wanna go to where no one hates the needy
And no one is ever greedy,
And no one believes they are better than anyone else
Where no one shows off their wealth.
I wanna go to where there is no bigots or racists
Where it doesn't matter the color of our faces,
I wanna go to where no one hates me
Because, I immigrated from a different country.
I wanna go to where books aren't banned
Where we read them and not burn them to understand,
Where any book can be read or owned
And owning one you won't be called a heretic or stoned.
I wanna go to where the land has a Christian leader
And not one who is a hate breeder,
A leader who follows the teachings of Jesus
And also who knows that God loves each and every one all of us.
I wanna go to where everyone has free healthcare
And where in taxes everyone pays their fair share,
And to those who try, but can't pull their own weight
I wanna go to where them we do not judge and we should never hate.
I wanna go to where no one owns a assault rifle
And following gun laws is the law and it isn't trifle,
I wanna go to where there is no NRA
Sadly, though none of these places will be in the U.S.A.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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