Why Should It Take This Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Why Should It Take This

Why should it take,
Hearts to break with pain that aches...
To bring people to accept and believe,
These activities are not a rarity.

Why should it take,
What is observed on a daily basis...
Lives to live enduring injustices.
To continue to go ignored.

Why should a people,
Devoted and patriotic.
Although obviously of African heritage.
Have been disenfranchised because of skin color.
Like no other race on Earth to be hated.

And why is it,
People are permitted to sit in high places.
Less qualified to prove of having common sense.
Or competence.
Can do to others as they please.
Without being held accountable.
Yet feel they are entitled,
To destroy a diversity...
That has made a country a place,
Once to have been considered great.
With this done to misunderstand...
Greatness they could never re-create,
From isolated division of conflicts to initiate.

Why should it take,
Unconscious minds to eventually discover and find...
The Earth is round.
And nothing inhibiting it is found,
To independently survive alone.
Although hypocrites and deceivers,
Wished to have it believed...
What they do to others,
Gives them also the right...
To feel themselves immune from judgement.
Or chosen to perceive,
The Creator of humanity.
Looks upon them as exceptions.
And not destroyers to destruct.
As if instructed to do it.
Without this to be noticed to end it!
In time to find their minds unwinding.

Why should it take this,
To allow anguish and pain to suffer through.
And at whose benefit to believe,
Will be achieve to feed exclusively.
Without the price of retribution to pay.
As if okay and given the stamp of approval.
How far will those with sick minds go,
To plead for forgiveness from remorse to feel!

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