Women Are Evil Poem by Tapiwa Matsika

Women Are Evil

Sit this side my young brother
I am busy but you are no bother
Stay single and you will be happy
Or else change the baby`s nappy
Mine was all cute and innocent
Until she dumped me when I had no cent
She was young and she loved me
She was humble as all could see
Then came the grand soothsayer
He held my hand and mumbled a prayer
Told me my love was in danger
She had been recruited a voodoo ranger
She told everyone that she saw no value in me
Though I had tried to be the best I could ever be
She went and asked how I could be tamed
That I抎 stay on the wall like a painting framed
She strapped my mind to a tombstone
I remained a zombie with my soul gone
Canned me in our house under a spell
The comfort there of became like that of hell
She beat me up all the time
I fear to say it is all my crime
For I sacrificed my freedom to have her
Now I am stuck in this reality forever
I wake up to swim in hot magma
I have always been an enigma
The quartz from the volcano makes the mind brittle
The shouting just makes me feel small and little
The daughters of EVE are outrageously evil
First it was their mother who listened to the devil
Take it from me my young man
I am experienced I have a woman
It all started when I showed her my mistress
I had to bring her home because of her
My wife was the genesis of infinite distress
I did it to get respect from her
Just remember little brother
Women are evil

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