Wondering Poem by Jim Yerman


In the quiet of the morning with the full moon overhead
I like to set my mind to wandering while I'm walking…
but sometimes it goes wondering instead:

I wonder about beauty…what a wonderful and harmonious world this could be……
if everyone saw beauty in everyone and everything they see?

I wonder if pride is important to a peacock? Does a cheetah dream of speed?
Does strength matter to an elephant…or size to a centipede?

I wonder if beauty is valued by a butterfly…or approval by a honeybee?
and if these aren't important to other creatures…
I wonder…should they matter much to me?

I wonder about differences…
when we meet someone who's different from us…
then get to know them…then we evolve into friends…
perhaps our differences shouldn't matter in the beginning…
since they don't matter in the end.

I wonder about courage…for isn't the truest form of bravery ever made
coming face to face with a fear when we're the only one who knows we are afraid?

I wonder about babies…who, like acorns in the snow,
need warmth and love and nurturing if they ever are to grow…

I wonder how many parents understand how tall and strong their tree will grow…
depends on how they care for…their acorn in the snow.

Well, I'm back home…my morning walk is over…
and I must admit my heart feels a little brighter
my mind a little clearer…
and my soul a little lighter

This is what often happens in the quiet of the morning
with the full moon overhead
when I set my mind to wandering…
but it goes wondering instead.

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