Worthiest Battle Poem by Shaakiera Schroeder

Worthiest Battle

My life seems like an endless journey that I continue on faithfully always searching for answers. Many a times I feel like I just don't belong_ almost as if I'm from another planet…an alien_ misunderstood in this strange but familiar place…my birthplace! I am surrounded by flesh and blood people when I am composed of mind, heart and soul! Where everyone carries their souls deep inside of them...I am my soul…visible for all to see…to love…and yes, sadly to hurt!
I try to imagine what it must be like for God with his infinite compassion, to feel all these souls hurting and yet being helpless to do anything. I realise that HE gifted me with writing to save me from myself…he blessed me with the ability to write. And it is writing that saved me _ writing that kept me sane, and if I choose it will be writing that transcends me over every pain, every betrayal, and every hurt I have endured.
I have come to a point in my life that I know for me to live the kind of life God intended for me and most importantly to honour Him _ I have to use that gift. I must excel above every expectation he has set for me. It is with this I can show him how truly thankful I am, for sparing my life long enough to tell my story …to touch one person…to make a difference, however small. I am here by his grace. all I want to do is write! I want my soul's voice to be heard and felt in every syllable I put to paper! I found the answer…it was always my time! I just needed to believe and then to pursue what I always imagined the unobtainable dream! …It took a ittle more faith to nudge me in the right direction! Peace and happiness within my reach. Now
I am finally ready to fight a battle for me…a battle that in the end will the worthiest. Carrying me from existing to truly living, most importantly...living happily! SS nov16

Jazib Kamalvi 26 March 2017

The poem reflects the inner conflict of the poetess and its most worthiest solution. A magical atmosphere is created by a great poetic sense. Thanks for touching.

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Sekharan Pookkat 19 March 2017

Satisfying one's soul and mind is most important- mousing's of heart reaches others through black and whiting keep depicting your soul until and unless it not hurts!

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Shaakiera Schroeder

Shaakiera Schroeder

Johannesburg South Africa
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