Write Another Article Poem by Kumarmani Mahakul

Write Another Article

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Go on doing research on a particle,
Soon you do write one new article.
Obstacle may come on way be in care,
You have taken birth to hold the chair.

You are a perfect researcher do search,
God's prayer song you hear in Church.
Find your path of life in amazing temple,
Go on writing soon the unique example.

One after another article you do write,
Against ignorance of course you fight.
Light your life with wisdom of creator,
Do remember always he is your mentor.

Break superstition and give proof light,
Walk with love and hope do work right.
Night goes away while sun rises in day,
Realize this and unbend truth you do say.

Oh dear son of soil, you follow son of God,
He will show you path to heaven you nod,
By his advice you will know father more,
Go on doing research and open new door.

© Kumarmani Mahakul,16 February 2015. Allrights reserved.

Friday, November 4, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: advice,art,education,life,spiritual
Kumarmani Mahakul 04 November 2016

picture of senthil nathan xYou are a brilliant writer and poet. Hats off to you, Sir. In every poem of yours, I found poetic beauty and value beauty. You are definitely a gifted person. I enjoyed this poem to the hilt. Thanks for the gem. 17 Feb 2015 by senthil nathan | Reply picture of Colten Sorrells xVery inspiring piece. Tfs 20 Feb 2015 by Colten Sorrells | Reply

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Lyudmila Purgina 23 October 2020

For a researcher, writing article after article is good. Writing is a god habit. Your poem motivates us.

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Valsa George 23 October 2019

Against ignorance of course you fight. Light your life with wisdom of creator, Do remember always he is your mentor............ A very solid advice! Learn more and more! Do research to dispel darkness and ignorance. By acquiring learning and wisdom, we can make this world a better place to live in! A sure 10

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Pushpendra Patel 27 February 2019

Writing research article is good. Leaf carries letter. Calmness is inside own mind. This we should feel. Soul is pure. Nature impacts on soul. This is a great poem and you are a nice poet.

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Edward Kofi Louis 09 November 2016

The wisdom of the Creator! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Akhtar Jawad 05 November 2016

A very impressive poem..........................................

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Kumarmani Mahakul

Kumarmani Mahakul

Gandam, Dist-Deogarh, Odisha, INDIA
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