Writing Poetry On Heartbreak Poem by Denis Martindale

Writing Poetry On Heartbreak

When heartbreak came, it hit me hard, I lost all joy that day,
Since then I chose to stay on guard and was more prone to pray.
For extra strength and guidance, too, as I must persevere,
To do the things that I must do, though sorrow's lingered near.
I wondered if God even cared that I'd been brought this low,
For all the reasons I despaired, such sabotage to know.
Yet onward still I pressed ahead, long after Christmas past,
Regardless of this inner dread, still feeling so downcast.
I couldn't smile like other folks, my mind was such a mess.
I felt let down and that provokes no hope of happiness.
Until one day I chose to quit, no more to ride or roam,
But simply bring an end to it and rest in peace at home.
The years rolled by but no peace came until at sixty-five,
A pensioner, no more the same, just glad to be alive.
They say time heals all wounds and yet how slow the decades went.
Why is it now that I don't fret? My pension's Heaven-sent.
The bills are paid, no debts at all, the heartbreak's over now.
You see, I've got my miracle, I'm free, at last, somehow.
No point in heartbreak from now on, no reasons for dismay.
All my worries have come and gone, thank God I chose to pray.
Thank God He brought me to this place, where solitude grants peace
And I can praise God for His grace. His wonders never cease.
And so I share from what God gave, the blessings of these years,
Because my God is strong to save and wiped away my tears…

Denis Martindale May 2020.

Writing Poetry On Heartbreak
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: heartbreak,miracle,prayer,god,heartache
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