You.. Poem by Emily Reid


I just saw you and i'm not even sure if i sould have said anything becasue i had the biggeset butterflies in my stomach when i hugged you. Your changing and yet your still my guy. I miss everything that we use3d to be and the carnvial is coming this week which is going to bring back memories of him and how happy i was with him and i want to make new memories with you. I'll even go on the zipper if it means getting you back. I've written this letter so many times and i've missed not talking to you or seeing you as much. Everything that has happened really shouldn't have, god i feel so stupid! I realize now that the feeling that i was having wasn't me not liking you, it was me being scared. I have to tell you this but i almost can't because I can never forgive myself for what i've put you through these past 2 years, i know it was hell and i can't tell you enough how sorry i am. You've cared for me all along and i feel so alone and i miss you so much. I don't want to go to the dance as friends, i love you and i'll do anything and give anything just to be in your arms again. I don't think you realize how much i still care and love you...

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