You Didn'T Pay Me Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

You Didn'T Pay Me

I may choose to tell someone,
I suspect is a gossip...
And with it done to quickly know,
From my mouth to others' ears...
What I say will spread,
Like a raging fire out of control.

And the hotter the topic,
Sizzling with juices to drip from lips...
Nonstop will be the one who gossips,
Until the doing makes them exhausted.
To then defend their innocence,
When it is discovered what they've said...
To spread to others has not one thread of truth.

'Why would you do that?
Why would you tell me something,
You knew when you told it is was not true?
Now 'my' reputation has been ruined.'

Trusting you I have never felt comfortable to do.
Every rumor I've heard about myself,
Came from you and no one else.
If you knew me at all,
What I say to you wouldn't leave these walls.

'I'm not going to believe,
Anything you ever tell me again.'

That's great.
Maybe you will begin to appreciate my friendship.
And not use me to get attention at my expense.

'That's where we disagree.
You didn't pay me to keep my mouth closed.
And if you said you did,
That would be yet another lie you expect me to tell.'

You are priceless.

'Don't try to use flattery on me now.
Few will believe you actually said that about me.'

Try hopeless!
I bet the repsonse you get will be more receptive.

Sunday, December 7, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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