You Will Be Judged Poem by Kevin Patrick

You Will Be Judged

You'll be judged for being nice
You'll be judged for being rude
You'll be judged for being pretty
You'll be judged for being fat
You'll be Judged

You'll be judged for being black
You'll be judged for worshiping Allah
You'll be judged for being a women
You'll be judged for your wheelchair
You'll be judged

You'll be judged in being old
You'll be judged for being young
You'll be judged in being blond
You'll be judged for having brown eyes
You'll be judged

You'll be judged for being a jock
You'll be judged for being a geek
You'll be judged for being slow
You'll be judged for being fast
You'll be judged

You'll be judged by your clothes
You'll be judged in taste of shoes
You'll be judged by choice in friends
You'll be judged for not having friends
You'll be judged

You'll be judge for being weird
You'll be judged in liking sardines
You'll be judged for being awkward
You'll be judged as acting wild
You'll be judged

You'll be judged for showing apathy
You'll be judged for your philosophy
You'll be judged for too many teeth
You'll be judged for having big ears
You'll be judged

You'll be judged for getting attention
You'll be judged for staying silent
You'll be judged as an up starter
You'll be judged for toeing the line
You'll be judged

You'll be judged for this you'll be judged for that
But most of all you'll be judged for jack squat
And in this game of life where everyone's a loser
You'll be judged for trying to live by your own terms
Surviving the struggle and coming out as a winner

Very simplistic I admit, there's no real value in the verse a five year old could come up with a more thematically stronger message, but it's something I feel. so there: P
Valerie Dohren 02 March 2013

Simplistic but true, and there are many more one could add to the list.

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