Zoooooooooooooooooooom-Moths Poem by jasmine maddock


Moth moth moth moth moth; time of the month for moth moth moth moth
Behemoth, moth, fill your path, path, path, path, path, path with moth, moth
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoooooom, zooooooooom, zoooooooooom, across, cross
I get cross at the profusion of bow tie looking moth, moths, moths, mo
More moth, more moth, sick of moth, in my clothes, hair, whizzing round
There. I wonder how they all know which one is which? They are all little
Kamikazi fanatics, flitting around near the death death death death
Flit, flat, flut, flut, groups of all the sames in their brown and beige old man
Outfits. They sit on the wall and fly in your face but obviously not at the same
Time. They get little brothers to gang up on you when you don't want them
Around. Doth, I loathe thine moth, especially when they falleth in my broth,
Or indeed any comestible you care or not to mention. By a wing and a
Prayer, they are there, jittering and twittering round like a nervous paranoic
On useless man made drugs. If they were Goths, moths, then they
Would wear raggy black clothes and whiten their thorax. Pupae in the carpet-
Nice pattern of eggy lumps. As uniform as perfect circle. Circle of moths,
Flying in their moth pattern. All nervy nervy nervy twitter, flitter, flitter. Moth
Moth Moth More Moth moth moth o-moth, o-moth, o-moth. The wrath of
Marauding moths. Hover, hover, hover-the bother bother bother of irritating
Little nothing things in your face. Like being alive in Merseyside.

jasmine maddock

jasmine maddock

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