Zorro And Robin Hood Poem by Luke Easter

Zorro And Robin Hood

</>Two very unlikely heroes are they just fables, only a myth?
Both were deadly accurate with the sword, was it their gift?
Destroying tyranny, take from the rich, distribute to the poor?
Is this the simplicity of these famous characters or is there more?

Romans 12: 19, “vengeance is mine saith the Lord, I will repay, ”
Hey! Maybe it’s the reason we have no Zorro or Robin Hood today?
Or, have these two champions of justice switched to the other side?
Either that’s the case or they have found an unknown location to hide.

Hold on a minute, run and hide exactly what are you trying to say?
Because we sure do need some mythical heroes in the world today,
Spiderman, Superman, Batman are movies or video games we play,
With no help from elected officials maybe they really have run away.

Videos from camcorders and cell phones have made everyone aware,
There is an element of the world’s population that just doesn’t care,
I am not talking civil unrest in Iran or war torn Afghanistan or Iraq,
You Tube has citizens of the United States ravaged in viscous attacks.

No, not gang retaliations but you could simply be in the wrong place,
Minding your own business and still have a gun pointed in your face,
Occasionally a knife, lead pipe, a baseball bat or a pit bull unleashed,
Yep, not a care in the world then suddenly a river of unwarranted grief.

You don’t even have to be from a different race, sex, group or creed,
The only requirement is that when jumped on the color red you bleed,
And it’s not always strolling along in dangerous areas of the local hood,
The Chicago cop who beat the female bartender was supposedly good.

Little can we do about the threat of North Korean and Iranian nukes,
Why can’t I walk in downtown USA w/o fear of putting up my dukes?
Students assaulting teachers back in the day used to be a serious crime,
Now, if the teacher takes affirmative action they’re the one doing time.

Well, it’s no wonder our super and fabled heroes cannot be found,
Liberal politicians and goofy guardians have run them out of town,
Kids aren’t that bad, they don’t need meds, say the bleeding hearts,
Yeah, even right up to the point where lives are ripped and torn apart.

Exactly how much more do educators have to take from these kids?
Flash back it’s par for the course compared to some of the things I did,
However, that behavior didn’t have the opportunity to last very long,
As daddy’s hard belt on my soft behind sang a painfully crying song.

Not just charity but manners and respect begins and ends at home,
The problem is, many children are left to figure it out on their own,
Read Genesis 3: 11-12 and see if that’s not the world’s current picture,
Movies, music and TV were never intended to replace bible scripture.

Psalms 37: 1,7-8 fret not because of the evil doers, who will & do,
Flourish; even prosper exceedingly more than the righteous few,
At the Second Coming, God will not reward the bad with good,
Hey, that’s only in the fantasy world of, “Zorro and Robin Hood.”

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Luke Easter

Luke Easter

Cleveland, Ohio
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