Rajendran Muthiah Poems

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Appraisal Of An Enemy's Power (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

871. Don’t harbor the ill-natured hatred
even for a joke.
872. Feel envy on warriors who plough with bows in wars.
But don’t envy the wise who plough with words.

Not Coveting Another Man's Wife

141. The wise of this world know of virtue and of goods
And so have no folly of coveting another’s wife.
142. Of all the sinners those who desire another’s wife
And lurk in his door are the greater fools.

Listening (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

411. The wealth of all wealth is listening by ears.
That wealth is the chief of all wealth.
412. When there is no food for the ears to listen
Spare a little to the stomach.

Not Back-Biting (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

181. Though he speaks not words of virtue and commits sins,
It is good if his neighbours say of him ‘not-backbiting

182. It isn’t worse to spoil virtue and do evil than to

Lament At Heart (By St. Thiruvalluvar)

121. You see, his mind doesn’t think of me and confines to himself.
Why then, O my mind, don’t you be all my own?

The Modern 'Khan Of Khans'

Buddhism says, 'Death follows rebirth'.
The Lankan President will be reborn
as the worm wriggling in the dirt
and his soldiers who raped womenfolk of the Tamils

Don'T Die A Borrower

Told his son, an old tribesman on his death-bed
in the eastern border of Afghanistan
how much he owed to merchants
from the Afghan terrain to Indian Plateau

Will Destiny Bring A Break Of Dawn?

How can he forget
her raining of kisses
on his sister's kid
glancing at him

Arise The Students In Tamil Nadu(India) !

Our youths race to streets to have
the repast of a delicious fast
to demand justice for the genocide
wrought on Tamils in Lanka

The Bellicose Monkeys

In our return trip from Megamalai
on the worst, single, bumpy track,
the driver stopped the bus for a break.
and led the passengers into a shop

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