Randy Johnson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Jack Schwartzman

He died 25 years ago today, which is a quarter of a century.
He produced 'Never Say Never Again' with Sean Connery.
He was born in 1932 and was a man who people would admire.
First he was married to Judith Deborah Feldman and then to Talia Shire.

John Wayne Brown

My grandmother and his father were first cousins, and that made us related.
When he died on the 3rd of June, his death wasn't something that I anticipated.
When a person dies, it's something that people hate.
He has gone to Heaven at the young age of forty-eight.

The Red Dots On His Face

My stepson was doing Meth and had red dots on his face.
I told him that I don't allow drug users to live at my place.
I immediately knew he was doing Meth because of the red dots.
He lied when he said that he had the measles, I knew he did not.

John Wayne Brown 2

Just one month ago, you were walking around.
But now you're dead and buried in the ground.
So much can change in just the blink of an eye.
You went too soon, forty-eight was too young to die.

John Wayne Brown 3

I've always said no to drugs but my friend didn't do the same.
When a person dies of an overdose, it's always a damn shame.
John learned the hard way that a man reaps what he sews.
Every time drugs were offered to him, I wish he had said no.

My Murder

I'm being driven to a lake with concrete shoes on my feet.
When I'm thrown in the lake, I'll sink because of the concrete.
When I went outside this morning, I found a briefcase.
It contained $500,000 and it sure put a smile on my face.

Even Blanks Will Kill

A man didn't realize that even blanks will kill if a gun is put to the head.
He pulled the trigger and sadly it ended his life, he is dead.
He fired the gun at his daughter's boyfriend.
He wanted him to think that his life would end.

Castlevania Ii: Simon's Quest

Some people didn't like it, it's a game that certain people detest.
I'm talking about the N E S game 'Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest'
I bought this game in 1989 on the last day of June.
I bought it 30 years ago today in the evening or late afternoon.

Smoke Free - Part 2

243 Years Ago On July 4,1776

It has been 243 years since the Declaration of Independence has been signed.
It was signed nearly two and a half centuries ago, that's a very long time.
The Declaration of Independence was written 243 years ago.
At the time the U S A only had 13 states, it would continue to grow.

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