Richard Ikolo

Richard Ikolo Poems

God will never lie
God can never die
Those whom God cherish
God wouldn't have them perish

You taught my hands to write
I knew the difference between wrong and right

The correction from your rod
Instilled in me the fear of God

Purpose propels your vision
And makes you fulfil your mission

Purpose backed up by determination

Patience does not subscribe to hurry
Patience will never give in to worry
Patience believes in slow and steady
Patience will tarry until you're ready

A Church with a Difference, a Congregation noted for their Distinction, a Community of Disciplined believers, rightly dividing the world of truth-that's where I belong.

Conviction is a catalystfor confidence and courage.

He made today possible
Glory to God, the invisible
For without Him you're nothing
To the Almighty, you owe everything

No prior notice, no inkling
Could come in the morning
And sets the family in mourning
Men wailing, women weeping

Nemesis caught up with me
So will it always be
Suddenly, things became rough
Health condition made it tough

A friend is always there for you in time of adversity
A foe always takes undue advantage of your generosity
A friend truly cares
A foe makes you live in fears

He left His throne in glory
I'm glad to be a product of His story
He came for man's redemption
He lived to fulfil His mission

Our union, a divine handiwork
It all started likechild's play
Could I ever forget that day?
Not my labour, but heaven's homework


A building with learners
Storehouse of knowledge
What a great privilege!
From you emerged leaders

The rich feast on rams
The poor beg for alms
Graduates in the temple of unemployment
Nonentities in the city of enjoyment

He comes home drunk
Forgive him
He eats only junk
Correct him


A three-letter word, but dangerous
A trap for the careless and the frivolous
Only few know you to be cancerous

If we don't doubt what we say
With prayer, mountains give way
Miracles still happen today
When in faith we pray

Riches without Christ is vanity
Intelligence without Christ is stupidity
A life without Christ is futility
Worldly wisdom without Christ is imbecility

Enough of your havoc
Enough of the roadblock
Enough of the ill luck

I'm really tired!
But my hands are tied
Serving my boss hasn't been easy
It's been all day for me busy

Sincere saints as light in the world are to: shine every day, shun evil, show example to others, share edifying experience, shut their ears off from errors, shrewdly examine themselves and finally, shoot earnestly for eternity.

Keep the flame of honesty, fire of the Holy Spirit and the flag of holiness flying.

Richard Ikolo Biography

Mr Richard Okiemute Ikolo, is a native of Oto-Edo, in Ughelli-South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Mr Ikolo attended Delta Steel Company Model Primary School 2, Orhuwhorun, where he obtained the First School Leaving Certificate Merit Grade in 1991.He thereafter proceeded to Ovwian Secondary School, Ovwian, Delta State, Nigeria, and obtained the West African Senior School Certificate in 1997. Between 2001 and 2005, he studied Linguistics at the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts, Second Class Upper Division and emerged as the overall best student in the Department of Languages and Linguistics Linguistics Unit. His academic ambition and quest for knowledge drove him to further his academic pursuit in the prestigious University of Ibadan, Nigeria and received his Master of Arts in Linguistics in 2009. Mr Ikolo is at the finishing stages of his PhD programme in Linguistics at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. He is at present the HOD of English Department at Dayspring Christian College, Opete, Delta State, Nigeria. Mr Ikolo has several published and unpublished articles, poems and other literary works to his credit. Mr Ikolo is lowly, lovely and lively. He is a disciplined, a diligent and a determined gentleman. He appreciates people who are humble, honest, humane, hard-working, holy and heavenly-minded. Brother Ikolo is a Minister of the Gospel and his happily married to his love, Mrs Sophia Richard Ikolo DARLING DEAREST and are potentially blessed with five children: Righteousness, Redeem, Ruth, Rejoice and Radiance. You can reach Mr Ikolo on the following numbers: +2348030990486, +2348037816580 and +2348150422349.)

The Best Poem Of Richard Ikolo

What You Should Know About God

God will never lie
God can never die
Those whom God cherish
God wouldn't have them perish

God is ever faithful to His promises
God is not interested in compromises
God honours His word above His name
God's compassion brings healing to the lame

God knows the end from the beginning
God delights in praises and in thanksgiving
God is the same yesterday, today and forever
God, and not man, is the miracle worker

God can never be tempted with evil
God protects His children from the devil
God's ways aren't man's ways
God'll always do what He says

God isn't the author of confusion
God will reveal His mind through vision
God can never make a mistake
God will never His own forsake

God is the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last
God has promised to give them that labour rest
God's judgements are always true
God knows what you pass through

God can do the impossible
God is dependable and reliable
God demands total submission and faithfulness
God desires we turn many to righteousness.

Richard Ikolo Comments

Richard Ikolo Quotes

Anything you allow to rule you will definitely ruin you. What you are going through is not the end, but just a bend.Remove the 'b'(barrier, blockage, etc.) and move ahead.

The difference between 'top' and 'stop' is the 's'. The 's'(sin, self, etc.) stops you from getting to the top.

As a Church, let's endeavour to Meet regularly(Heb10: 25) to Magnify the LORD(Ps34: 3): Manifest the fruit of the Spirit(Gal: 5: 22): and Make disciples of all nations(Matt28: 19) .

As a Church, let's Minister to the necessity of the saints(Rom12: 13): Mortify the works of the flesh(Col3: 5): Murder murmuring(1Cor10: 10): and Make heaven at last(2Tim4: 8) .

Sound preaching requires serious prayer and preparation; quality teaching demands quiet time and training.

Adam lost three vital things as a result of sin.First, he lost his harmonious relationship with God.Second, he lost his home. Finally, he lost his honour. Hey, be careful!

Jesus Christ is the King of Kings (Revelation 19: 16): He is the Key that opens every door (Revelation 3: 7): and He is Kindness (Acts 10: 38) and Knowledge (Colossians 2: 3) personified.

The LORD made me to understand that the word 'devil' is formed by a process called blending: do+ evil= devil.This follows that he who does evil a devil.

If you come to Jesus, He gives you grace and takes away your guilt; He gives you gladness and takes away your gloom.

If you come to Jesus, He gives you grace and takes away your guilt; He gives you gladness and takes away your gloom.

A man who is not grateful to God is a great fool.

The LORD will cause your enemies to fail, to fall, to flee, to be fearful and to be frustrated.Just remain faithful!

My health may fail and my spirit may grow feeble, but God remains my fortification and fortress.

It is practically impossible to get deliverance from devils and demons. Don't be deceived!

If we allow our selfish desires to rule us, they will equally ruin us.

A fruitful ministry is one comprised of faithful ministers, fervent members, faultless messengers and a full gospel message.

Learn to adore, appreciate and ascribe praises to God for His grace, greatness, goodness and grandeur.

A life of holiness attracts hospitality and honour. (2 Kings 4: 8-10)

Holiness preached, and not practised, is the highest form of hypocrisy.

I see impatience for a Christian as an index of spiritual immaturity.

Be industrious, and not idle; show interest in the things of God, not indifference.

The Church of God is not a jungle; it's neither a jamboree nor a jazz club.

A Christian worker must be loyal to the LORD, to the leadership of their Church, and finally to the laity.

Love labours for the lost to rescue them to the LORD; love learns, leans on and lives for the LORD.

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