Roy Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today... 'Wisdom'

Wisdom is seen personified
in Jesus the Crucified.
More precious than rubies is He
the One who has died for me.

Today... 'Everlasting Father'

The Everlasting Father came to earth as the Son
Great mystery of Godliness in the Belovèd One
God manifest in the flesh for all the world to see
There in Christ dwells the fullness of Godhead bodily

Today... 'The God Of All Grace'

Grace that’s a certainty
steadfast and strong.
Grace from eternity
forgiving all wrong

Today... 'He Who Formed Me In The Womb'

You wove my life on Your heavenly loom,
knit me together in my mother's womb,
embroidering the fabric of each day,
before I had begun to walk life's way,

Today... 'Child'

It was within a young virgins' womb
That the Child of God was given room
Because Mary the angel believed
Through the Holy Spirit she conceived

Today... 'Fountain Of Living Waters'

Come and see the crimson flood flowing free
from the cross on the hill of Calvary.
Blood that has flowed from Emmanuel's veins
to wash away all of our sinful stains.

Today... 'The Resurrection And The Life'

‘He's mine' boasted the grave in victory
'He is dead so now he belongs to me'
But Christ was King of kings and Lord of Lords
and Death and Hell have to obey His words.

Today... 'The God Of Peace'

Peace that passes human understanding
Peace that’s so serene and undemanding.
Peace abiding through the turmoil of life
Peace, perfect peace from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today... 'The God Who Always Leads Us In Triumph'

Throughout each day we just keep on swinging
to our God our praise and worship singing
“Worthy the Lamb” our great chorus ringing
and thank Him for all His blessings bringing.

Today... 'The God Ready To Pardon'

Always ready to pardon is our God
ready to withdraw the punishing rod.
His arms outstretched wide to welcome us in
as the blood of Jesus cleanses our sin.

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