Ryann Blair Poems

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I guess to some extent you get used to being alone.
Eventually you just stop expecting the phone to ever ring and
Spending your nights alone at home doesn’t bother you.
You don’t expect nor seek out conversation or company.

Can You See It In My Eyes

You don’t know how I’m feeling. I have yet to vocalize. You’re the desire burning deep inside me. Can you see it in my eyes?
I tremble when I’m near you. Heat travels up my thighs. And I want you with an urgency that I just cannot describe.
Dare I reach out to touch you? Do you think you’d realize? How much I want & need you? Or can you see it in my eyes? ?
I long to say I love you. But I’m too petrified of your reply. Terrified like a child, I’ve become paralyzed.

The Forgotten

I’ll be called the girl that no one ever noticed. I’ll be thought of as that lady no one ever truly cared for. I’ll be referred to as that woman everyone disregarded. The one on no one ever gave a damn about….

Will You Remember Me

When I’m gone will you remember me?
All the things I “used” to be?
So happy and caring,
Adventurous and daring.

Chaotic Apprehension

My mind is boggled, suffocating in confusion.
Entangled, un-dissectible always searching for conclusion.
My nerves expand with apprehension, my heart pulsating
and racing.

Never Have I Fallen

Your lips speak soft sweetness, your touch a cool caresses.
I’m lost within your magic, as my heart beats within your chest.
I think of you each morning, anticipate my dreams to come every night.
I fantasize of your arms so inviting, and this lust inside me that you ignite.


I awake and my heart starts to pounds with fear
I scramble for comfort and fight back each tear
These clouded thoughts that wake me from my dreams
This haunting painful memory that comes with silent screams

Endless Eyes

If you stared deep into my big endless eyes you would see my story.
See the hurt.
See all the stains from my tears.
See through the silence of my painful cries.

Never And Always

The memories of you begin to start taunting.
And I realize from here on,
My heart you will be haunting.
You told me you’d NEVER hurt me,

As Days Proceed

As days proceed…
I begin to see,
Exactly what you mean to me.
So now it’s time to let you know,

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