Keep Holding On Poem by ESPN CHICK

Keep Holding On

Everything comes crashing down
Everything just falls to pieces
Before you know it your sitting in the dark knowing your broken once again

When you thought all the pain had gone away
When you thought that life was gonna change
Everything right in front of you comes crashing down

All the things you left behind you're turning back to
And you know now that you were never meant to be whole
Something inside of you tells you to give up

But at the same time you know you can't give up
Because you have came to far to end life now
All you're life you have waited to be pain free

In a blink of an eye that all changed
People are starting to see through your eyes
All the tears that you have cried

You don't know what to do anymore
Pain running from head to toe
You feel like you need to keep holding on

You look at the scars on your arms
They tell a story that only you know
Adding more scars just to ease the pain

Adding more scars to know that the pain is always gonna be there
You know that you're never gonna be pain free
Keep holding on is what you keep telling yourself

How much more can you take
You're shattered like broken glass
When life comes crashing down just keep holding on

Oct 12,2008

Vampire Heart 18 October 2008

Alot of thoughts run through the head while reading this poem, very lovely indeed.

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