Sanctified Poem by Bob Gotti


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Being spiritually blind and lost, I’m saved in the blood of the cross,
That blood flowing from Calvary, has set my soul apart for eternity,
Calvary’s blood empowers me too, my Blessed Lord to follow you,
To leave my old ways of the night, while turning towards your Light.

This process is my sanctification, His work in my life after salvation,
As God starts a work in my heart, while in this life He sets me apart,
Set apart for the purpose of God, this as I live upon this earthly sod,
All for God’s plan and His purpose, led by The Spirit of Christ Jesus.

Not set apart because I am good, truly, this needs to be understood,
But because I was chosen by Him, saved by grace from a life of sin,
Spiritually born again from above, to walk upon the earth in His love,
This, as a New Creature in Christ, to live for God, in newness of life.

This is a process you must know, as my Lord God helps me to grow,
Through The Lord’s Spirit of Truth, with real change, as God’s proof,
Ongoing change in my life for Him, as Christ leads me away from sin,
All by God’s Power and His Grace, as The Spirit builds upon my faith.

God’s building me, a living stone, through the power from His Throne,
As God’s Spirit transforms my heart, finishing what Christ would start,
Starting as Christ’s New Creation, God will complete my sanctification,
When I see my Lord face to face; being the real beginning of my faith.

(Copyright ©06/2013 Bob Gotti)

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Bob Gotti

Bob Gotti

New Jersey
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