Stanley Cooper Poems

Hit Title Date Added
And The Spin Goes On

Bulletin…”Iraq violence escalates”

Bulletin…”Bombs and mortar fire killed at least 161 people and wounded 257”

Let's Do Something For Santa Claus

Let's do something for Santa Claus
That jolly Ho-Ho-ing guy
He rates more then mere applause
That, no one would ever deny

Paradise Lust

In his books about Satan, temptation and hell
Milton’s tales don’t factually gel
The intrigue with the apple was really a bust
I’m certainly certain, it was more about lust

Words Of Length

Words of length
That dare me-scare me
When with them I’m bombasted
I feel wordy flabbergasted

A Plea For Sanity

Since Bush had no clue
About the right thing to do
He said he’d wait for
Their report on the war

It Was Easier Way Back Then

Methuzelah lived nine hundred years
But really
It was easier way back then

Oh For The Good Old Days

Oh, for the good old days

Of savory cooking scents
Seeping through our kitchen vents


My English is non-fluent
My German's germanic-ly in Dutch
Linguistically, semantic-ly a truant
I'm in need of a verbalizing touch

Yucca Mountain Blues

Rest assured, George W. has taken note
Nevada State has few electoral votes
Not much to fear on his political stump
If he uses Nevada for his nuclear dump

Sites On Las Vegas Strip

The urge to erect this awesome production
Was an urge no one could stifle
Tourists are kept in awesome seduction
By this Tower known as the Eiffel

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