(504) God's Power

the power of God is truly amazing, he never dissapoints us. Even when we think he may have forgotten us, he shows his hand and the glory of his love.
I had many family issues in the last few weeks and just couldn't take it anymore so I did what I consider to be the obvious. I gave all my troubles to God and left them in his hands, my daughter did the same.

I decided to write a prayer letting Satan know he doesn't scare me and at the end of that prayer when I dotted the last period, I heard someone at the door and there was my long lost son.

I Just Can’t Get Enough Of You

The white of fresh glistening snow
Copies your soft silken skin aglow,
Mirrored reflection of your eyes
Blaze the blue afternoon skies
Your body’s aurora’s magnetic chain
Calming holds me firmly in lover’s lane
Like a fresh blueberry honey ice-cream
I want to suck you, lick you, eat you clean,
I just can’t get enough of you'
The creative mind of the Mona Lisa

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Fear! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

the feeling i hate the most
the feeling i have most of the time,
that feeling is the worst
it's like a bell's shime,
inside the head of the person that feels FEAR!

makes all the darkness appear,
it feels like noone's here,

(074) Love That Brown Sugar

Well, well what do we have here, hmmm
Rather interesting looking specimen of a man.
I wonder what he’s doing later
Shall I approach him, or make him approach me.
Oh dear, there we go, who is she?
Ahh could it be the wife, yep that’s who it is alright.
Intriguing though isn’t it, would love a taste you know.
maybe she and I could make a deal
I’ll pay her to let me take him out for a meal, if you
know what I mean. Ahhh huh you nasty girl you

(984) A Sunday Prayer Of Thanks

Dear Father in Heaven, today I'm not going to ask anything of you.
I want to praise you Lord and give thanks for all that you do.

As of late Father I've asked you for many blessings and you have granted many of them Father. You helped my daughter find her way and open a wonderful art shop, oh Lord I thank you. You kept my children out of harms way Lord and showed my grandson the error of his ways bringing him back on track Lord, I thank you. You granted my grandson, my daughter and myself a trip to Nova Scotia this year Lord, I thank you Father. You made sure my mother isn't suffering with her leg Father. You saw to it that David Harris came home from the hospital and is recovering nicely, I thank you Father. You took care of some issues for my friends Shelley and her new husband Michael Lord, I thank you.

Father God, I'm sure I've missed some, but you know what they are and that I want to thank you on their behalf.
Father God, thankyou for all the wonderful things you do and most of all Father, thankyou for your precious son 'Jesus'.

(717) Father I Love You

Father, I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate
everything you do. I know you're watching over me and always
by my side.

Father when I thought my time was up, you surprised me once
again, you gave me a helping hand and coaxed me to stand.
I was feeling weak and weary, but you wouldn't leave me alone,
so I had no choice but to listen to the whispers and follow your

(718) Poemhunters-Hurt No More

Dear Lord in Heaven, you are my light, my inspiration.
Thankyou Father for everything you have done for me.

Father, today I ask you to focus on some poemhunters that
think themselves better than others and find it necessary to
call them down, pointing fingers at the improper use of
English grammar. They are hurting the feelings of others
and possibly causing them not to write or to leave the site.

Father one of the poets that received such redicule has now

When Visitors Came

The land was vast, barren yet beautiful in
it’s own right. An old farmer trudged
by every morning enjoying his cigarette
and gazing upon the land with a strained
look on his face. Bothered by thoughts of
losing his land, that which he had worked
so hard for over the years. The poor
gentleman wasn’t one to share his
problems with outsiders. Most of the towns
people referred to him as a rather laconic

(729) Christmas Gift To All

Merry Christmas to you all,
no matter where the snow shall fall.
With or without, Christmas is here.
Enjoy this precious time of year.

God gave Mary a joyous gift.
Allowing her to conceive his son.
Dec.25, Mary gave birth.
Sweet Baby Jesus joins us on earth.

***dad! ***

You were my strenght,
when i was weak,
you were my voice,
when i couldn't speak,
you were my warmth,
when i was cold,
you'll be the breath of fresh air,
when i am old,
you'll be my rock,
when times get tough,

0006 A Thankyou To A Fellow Poet

This is a thankyou for your poem
though, it may not seem like that, to you -

To be quite honest, I can't now quote
a single word.. but all the same,

I remember exactly how I felt
when I'd finished reading it,

and that, I'll remember all my life...

A Prayer To God

God for all you are teaching me,
Your ways are perfect.
I cast all my cares upon you
I know you care for me.

I know you have seen all my pains and tears,
I wipe away my tears
I choose to embrace,

Gratitude For Gratis Favors

From the bottom of my
I thank you honey bee
for all that liquid gold
that's bought and sold
Your precious honey
from your tiny womb
Ah, God bless thy fine
But sorry for stealing

Five Godly Gifts In Gold

Of all the many, many jewellery gifts in pure gold that I've recieved
only five of them at all any extra special to me
One an extra large pendant in pure gold
in the shape of Masjidun Nabawi
i.e the whole of the Holy prophet's(S.A.W) mosque along with its blessed minarets
that together with the dome make up my gold pendant.

Another, a gold pendant which has a wee-sized mini-Quran in gold casing!

A third an oval-shaped gold pendant with the verse of the throne, the whole of Ayatul Kursi inscribed in pure gold Arabic script on it.

Tommy By (Gina Maria Ann Lux) Or Mum For Short

The Children were playing
On a hot summers day
In a field near the river
Among sweet smelling hay

They shreiked and they laughed
And had so much fun
Then got tired and thirsty
Beneath the hot sun

' I '

I want to be free
Free of this body
Body of Bonding
Bonding leads to
'Thankyou's' & 'Sorry's'
which are Excuses
Excuses are illusions
Illusions of Bonding
Bonding of Body
as 'I'

! Godlike

So you're scrolling fast
down a page of
yeah yeah
those old Greek guys
did they spend their time
dreaming up quotes?

there goes
Democritus (460 - 370BC)
(though of course he didn't know

Expressions-Thankyou To All

When I finally found my soulmate
Oh little did I know
That lots of loving feelings
Would suddenly start to flow

I was overwhelmed with love for him,
I simply had to express
The day he walked into my life
With loving tenderness

You Don'T Scare Me Satan

You don't scare me Satan, I know your strong and powerful too.
I know wherever God is, you will also be there to try and claim what is not yours. I know you are a taker and not a giver, an evil power that will not prevail. You are the darkness that spy's deep in the night, the evil that showers the weak and can't break the strong.
You will not penetrate the Holy spirit that lives within me. You may make me suffer and cry in the night, but I call out only to God and his son Jesus, you will never hear me call your name.

John Shea

He is indeed a delighting super cool bard
He oughtta get an entertainment's award
I enjoy reading his fun poetry
and he wrote one swell one just for me!
Like a laughing knight of chivalry.
And his comments leave me grinning profusely
He's nice to have around on the site
With my name he penned a poem to delight
Thankyou kind troubadour
my Eastern hats off to you for sure!