Trevor Valentine

Trevor Valentine Poems

'I Can See You, But Not Inside You'
by Valentine

I can see you

'My God'
by Valentine

My god

Hope within hope
Dream within dream
Treasure within treasure
You were looking for me

'Blue Water'
by Valentine

At the top of your mountain

‘At Heart'
by Trevor Valentine

Am I but a child

To Dave.
He would have done the same for me.

'I Cut The Lady's Lawn Today'

I jjust love self deprecation
I do it all the time
A story here
A poem there

by my Lady Wife

They say I am unhinged

'Rainbows & Sunshine'
by Valentine

I sit in purple

It's My Body
by Valentine

It's my body

Not my own work unfortunately, but that of a good mentor-friend of mine, PB.

'Spelling Chequer'
by PB

'Lamb of God'
by Valentine

So you've seen the lamb of God, my friend

To the 30+ year old man who bawled at his 10 year old son for 2+ minutes out loud on the beach and then slapped him round the head, hard. His only 'crime' was to inadvertently trip over his baby sister.

'Sir, you will probably never ever get to see this message, but my blood boiled and my heart sank to see what you did to your very own blessed son today. You will never read this, but another father tempted to do the same, just might, so I will try to explain to you, the error of your ways.

by Valentine

I escape

'St Valentine'
by EuryDiceKallos

Budump, Budump, Budump:

'The Silent Treatment'
by Valentine

'St Malo to Dinan'
by Valentine

I knew a girl

'Out of Office'
by Valentine

If you goes on

'You are not Alone'
by Valentine

You are not alone

'Holy Communion'
by Valentine

Then the rain

The Best Poem Of Trevor Valentine

'I Can See You, But Not Inside You'

'I Can See You, But Not Inside You'
by Valentine

I can see you
But not inside you

I can see your cross
Or your scarf
Or your cap
But not know
What they might drive you to do

Is it in the name of religion
You might do these things
Or is it power
A collective expansion
A retribution
Or just madness

Should I judge you all the same
Or see you as one singular voice

What drives you to do what you do
I can only believe in your ultimate goodness
But how can that validate
What you do

Ah, you say:
I do or did it too
Did I?
Perhaps I did

If I admit this
Will you?
Or is the vase broken
Never to be reformed

How long before this deadly mix
Of politics
And religion
Is seen for just what it is
The devil reincarnate
The hurt
The fear
The blood

It effects them all

How different
Is your faith from mine
Is yours nurtured, believed
Or is the secular freedom
I strive for
Something which deep inside
You secretly seek out too
Or is that my ignorance
Or even blind arrogance

It has always been
That the silent majority
Will prevail
But sometimes not before they have been mustered
In one collective voice
And strength

The truth
Whatever it is
Will always emerge
And we both must listen
And try to understand

It is the only way.

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