U Win Kyi Poems

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Love(Tender Love Always Wins)

My heart was so stout and upright,
Like an old oak tree with its might,
With its root deep into the soil,
With its top reaching to the sky,

Forgive And Forget

Someone has said to me an insult.
It caused my feeling very hurt.
But I never bear a grudge.
Let alone saying 'you crazy nut '.

A Water Festival And A Beautiful Girl

Splashing water at one another
is a Myanmar traditional culture
celebrated in a good manner.

So Embarrassed (8) (Love In Handcuff)

During last night, they made love
with his wrist and hers, handcuffed,
in a style so sadist ic, so masochistic,
in his hand a leather whip,

A Kid-Killer And A Mother-Saver

A father and a mother were in an internet cafe
without interruption a game they fervently played,
neglecting to feed their young kid,
to the game they were so addict.

How To Prevent A Brutal Attack (1)

He was her boyfriend.
The relationship she wanted to end.
She knew he was a violent lover.
She was sure the trouble would come sooner or later.

Mum's Beautiful Hand

Once mum's hand was soft and tender,
nail polished and manicured,
Now callous and roughened,
nail brittle and hardened,

Burma Iconic Lady Aung San Suu Kyi (Ballot Vs Bullet)

Bullet kills.
Blood is spilled.
Bullet threatens.
Democracy is forbidden.

Chinese New Year (Dragon Or Earthworm)

2012 chinese new year
Dragon is the zodiac animal.
Some chinese believe the baby born in dragon year
will have riches and enormous power.


Jeremy Lin gains a great fame
after winning NBA basketball games.
Every fan is crazy about him.
The topic of conversation is all about Jeremy Lin

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