xolisa stuurman

xolisa stuurman Poems

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond

Beautiful soul…
I didn’t realize until another being reached out for my piece of writing.
With the corners of her smile,
I caught a glimpse of my soul, that I am a beautiful soul.

In my dreams
I peacefully lay on my bed with my beautiful face on white linen,
That smells of bodily fluids that fuse against each other.
Exhaling air through nostrils,

How does one begin…?
Begin to move away from the things that do not best describe one.
Refrain from wearing the same shoes day in and out,
To a point where one lose realization of how small, big or weary the shoes have become.

These Eyes

These eyes are created to care for me to see

I once imagined it, but happened for real.
The touch tantalizes my body one moment i turn rigid,
and the next enveloped with careless motions.
The beat accelerates as the vapour from his lip condenses in my ear.

I’m heart broken and in pain
The future lies in vain.
Certain of where I’m going,
Where I come from remain a wonder.

Everytime i awake next to me lies a pain.
No matter which side i turn, it hurts even more than it did yesterday.
I curse and lay a quest to be left alone.
Yet am not understood why not delight in this vain.

It doesn't matter anymore...

Whether the birds fly or the river runs through
Children are playing or uncles gone fishing

I can‘t give up on love.
Though twice this heart has been torn in half.
Bled until blood could squeeze no more.
Moving vigorously for another chance to feel,

Colour me blind so to shield me from a view.
Let me not see, hear or feel.
Allow me to dispair and not inspired.
Give a way to devil's work and let me be.

I ran a bubble bath for him
Lit a candle with a scent of honey
Made him feel special with my own money
He gave me a smile

Listen to a footstep as it taps around and about.
In corridors and passages that lead to gates,
Though closed it manages to break through bars
And land softly on ears close and far.

The most perculiar thing about love, life and relationships it happens in the future, yet highly influenced by our past.
No matter how much we try to run away from it.
It's behind our unconscious mind, constantly reppear in the present.
A form of resurrection which goes to sleep with a dose of happiness.

Who am I to think as I think?
Who am I to speak as I speak?
To be as I am.
To be what I can be.

Don’t be afraid…

It was never an intension to love him; it was a blessing to fall in love.
Little did I know how a blessing can cause distractions, just because of love?

xolisa stuurman Biography

Born and bred in one of the largest township of all times.I am what you call a center in a netball sport for i'm an all rounder and could never stay put, not just physically, but mentaly and spiritually.I'm always in search of understanding what makes me, me through networking with the universe.Strange as it may seem there was a stage in my life, where i felt i didn't belong, fit in nor sure of my thoughts.For i understood and saw things in a different way as if i've been here before.I felt old in my soul, because all the things that fascinated my peers, where things i never found joy.Be it the music, books, entertainment the list goes on.By the time they started seeing things the way i did, i had already past that stage and found myself in a level where my own mother couldn't understand my world.I would talk about God as if i've met him, talked about the spirit world as if i lived there.Listened to music and read books that spoke ancient language, funny part i could understand.I started writting my thoughts down, because i found it hard explaining.Before i knew it i could compose something out of nothing.It's a journey i would ride again, if i should get another chance.Now here i am sharing my wondorous word and thoughts with people who understand exactly what i mean without explanation.Life is huge...just imagine.)

The Best Poem Of xolisa stuurman

Our Deepest Fears

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond

It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God
You’re playing small does not serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other,
People won’t feel insecure around you.
We are born to manifest the glory of God
That is within us
It is not in some of us, it is in Everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presences automatically liberate other.

By: Marianne Williamsons

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