A Complaint

There is a change- and I am poor;
Your love hath been, nor long ago,
A fountain at my fond heart's door,
Whose only business was to flow;
And flow it did; not taking heed
Of its own bounty, or my need.

What happy moments did I count!
Blest was I then all bliss above!
Now, for that consecrated fount

Change Upon Change

Five months ago the stream did flow,
The lilies bloomed within the sedge,
And we were lingering to and fro,
Where none will track thee in this snow,
Along the stream, beside the hedge.
Ah, Sweet, be free to love and go!
For if I do not hear thy foot,
The frozen river is as mute,
The flowers have dried down to the root:
And why, since these be changed since May,

Less Time

Less time than it takes to say it, less tears than it takes to die; I've taken account of everything,
there you have it. I've made a census of the stones, they are as numerous as my fingers and some
others; I've distributed some pamphlets to the plants, but not all were willing to accept them. I've
kept company with music for a second only and now I no longer know what to think of suicide, for
if I ever want to part from myself, the exit is on this side and, I add mischievously, the entrance, the


Said the sun to the moon,
You cannot stay.

Says the moon to the waters,
All is flowing.

Says the fields to the grass,

Selfish Soul

I am a selfish soul
I don't see the sorrows around
I don't hear the cries
I just curse the system to change
What good did I do to change

I am a selfish soul
Am I even worthy to comment
If I myself refuse to change
I don't even smile at people

First We Take Manhattan

They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

A Little Fun Keeps You Young

A little fun keeps you young;
A little laughter keeps you bright.
When you get to that age
When a mid life crisis looms
Go out and act like a kid again.
Don't worry what the neighbors might say
They are probably crazy anyway.

Change your hair color grow it long
Change your style and wear a thong

Nothing Permanent

You find nothing permanent
Disappearance sudden after moment
Will be called dead if no movement?
Life standstill with no comment

Leaves start falling in season
Make the way for some reason
New and fresh branches start to boom
Flowers all over and no more gloom

Sonnet 10: For Shame, Deny That Thou Bear'st Love To Any

For shame, deny that thou bear'st love to any
Who for thy self art so unprovident.
Grant, if thou wilt, thou art beloved of many,
But that thou none lov'st is most evident;
For thou art so possessed with murd'rous hate,
That 'gainst thy self thou stick'st not to conspire,
Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate
Which to repair should be thy chief desire.
O, change thy thought, that I may change my mind!
Shall hate be fairer lodged than gentle love?


Here, ever since you went abroad,
   If there be change no change I see:
I only walk our wonted road,
   The road is only walk'd by me.

Yes; I forgot; a change there is-
   Was it of that you bade me tell?
I catch at times, at times I miss
   The sight, the tone, I know so well.

The Course Of Life, Time, And Events And The Process Of Change

Time or fate may separate friends, lovers,
But friendship or love that's true will ever
Thenceforth continue to live forever,
True love conquers the odd with its power.
As time passes by, things change with the time,
Every moment, hour, day, month, and year,
All things have their turn to change with the time,
Life, time, and events change with the years.
Everyone, everything, have a time and day,
A time to change, end, begin a new day,

Success Story

Does success blind the man completely?
Not wait and go for its show immediately?
If he is earthly man then will slowly digest,
Means and ways set first and then suggest,

Only clever and seasoned will be enjoying,
All of sudden success may lead to annoying,
Way of living may bring tremendous change,
Confidence enhanced and disorderly manage,

Life Is Love, And Love Is Life

life is life, however it would go
love is love, no matter what would occur
love is growing more with every hearts beat
feelings of my heart could never change
love is life, life is love
you can enjoy them as much as you want....

~ Mom By Default Rape ~

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NOTE: I'm sorry to say today I find PH like before [as in case of 'I Want To Be Raped'] again banned this poem as I find it is not in my poetry list...so I've made some typographical change and reposted it and some comments already posted by Hon'ble Readers I'm posting here ~ niv

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Poems On Time

The butterfly counts not months but moments,
and has time enough.

Time is a wealth of change,
but the clock in its parody makes it mere change and no wealth.

Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time
like dew on the tip of a leaf.

I Never Change

Neither I change nor do I arrange
Relation I maintain and not simply manage
what is not good in the morning?
And what we lack in the evening?

How can language change the meaning?
If repeatedly used without meaning?
Good morning can't be said differently
May be you offer it loudly or gently

Echoes Of Love's House

Love gives every gift whereby we long to live
"Love takes every gift, and nothing back doth give."

Love unlocks the lips that else were ever dumb:
"Love locks up the lips whence all things good might come."

Love makes clear the eyes that else would never see:
"Love makes blind the eyes to all but me and thee."

Love turns life to joy till nought is left to gain:

Love Not

Love not, love not! ye hapless sons of clay!
Hope's gayest wreaths are made of earthly flowers—
Things that are made to fade and fall away
Ere they have blossom'd for a few short hours.
Love not!

Love not! the thing ye love may change:
The rosy lip may cease to smile on you,
The kindly-beaming eye grow cold and strange,
The heart still warmly beat, yet not be true.

There Is A Lady Sweet And Kind, Thomas Ford's Music Of Sundry Kinds

THERE is a Lady sweet and kind,
Was never face so pleased my mind;
I did but see her passing by,
And yet I love her till I die.

Her gesture, motion, and her smiles,
Her wit, her voice my heart beguiles,
Beguiles my heart, I know not why,
And yet I love her till I die.

The World We Live In

Why don't we all take a hard look at the world we live in.
Why is it that we have all the hate not love,
Why is there all ways room for war, not peace?
Why is it that no one ever thinks about the consequences of their actions?
Is this what it has come to?

Why don't we all take time to think about each other?
We are surrounded by so much beauty but no one takes the time to appreciate it.
We are all so busy with our lives, too busy to even notice
as life passes by,