Selfish Soul Poem by jibin joseph

Selfish Soul

Rating: 4.7

I am a selfish soul
I don't see the sorrows around
I don't hear the cries
I just curse the system to change
What good did I do to change

I am a selfish soul
Am I even worthy to comment
If I myself refuse to change
I don't even smile at people
Why do I expect them to smile

I am a selfish soul
I am living inside a cocoon
Pretending to be a happy soul
Not accepting the evils around
What good am I if I don't change

I am a selfish soul
Why do people fight I ask
Without wanting them to stop
I don't really care for anyone
Unless it is someone my own

I am a selfish soul
Why should I wait for a saviour
Why do I even care for a change
As long as I am happy in my mask
Why do I need a change

I am a selfish soul
The miseries around make me think
But time heals everything
Those who loose they suffer
As time passes sorrows get lesser

I am a selfish soul
World filled with crooks and lies
Who cares who cries and who dies
I don't have time for anyone
I am happy in my wicked mask

I am a selfish soul
Whats all these disease and filth
All the crippled and the sick
As all day I merry around
Little I care whats going around

I am a selfish soul
Why should I care you beg for bread
Why do I care that you even eat
As long as I got my share of meat
What do I care whats your fate

I am a selfish soul
Little I care if on road you sleep
What do I care that you, even sleep
As long as I have my roof
I don't care you cry or weep

I am a selfish soul
What do I care whose cries are these
As long as I am happy I care the least
I am a selfish soul
I am a selfish soul…………………

jibin joseph

Selfish Soul
Kavitha Krishnamurthy 23 December 2006

That was a great poem. Hope it does some eye opening....

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Thought provoking stuff. I'm sure many of us think this way from time to time. I certainly do. We have lots of good, charitable thoughts but ultimately we are selfish. It makes me think of John Lennon - Imagine no possessions... A powerful piece.

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William Jackson 24 December 2006

Thought provoking poem Jibin. It is a testament to the human tendency to be selfish as well as an introspective recognition of that fact, an outcry which means there is hope for change. Personally, I think we all really have a choice evert moment of every day as to whether we are going to look out for our own immediate needs or put others first. While the human tendency is to be selfish, we certainly can choose to operate out of divine love, out of the Life of God who wants to be manifested through us through a humility that says 'Not my will but Yours be done on Earth as in Heaven.' While this is easy to say, it is harder to do. Thank you for prompting me to think about it. Additionally, I think William Blake best stated the dilema of the human condition in his poem, The Clod and The Pebble. Here he touches upon the human capacity to be both selfless as well as selfish. The CLOD & the PEBBLE 'Love seeketh not Itself to please, 'Nor for itself hath any care, 'But for another gives its ease, 'And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.' So sang little Clod of Clay Trodden with the cattle's feet But a Pebble of the brook Warbled out these metres meet: 'Love seeketh only Self to please, 'To bind another to Its delight, 'Joys in another's loss of ease, 'And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.' William Blake (1757-1827)

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Linda Ori 24 December 2006

You make a valid point. We are all selfish if all we care about is ourselves. It's all about us. As long as we are removed from the suffering, it doesn't make any difference to us, until it comes close enough to affect our own lives or the lives of those close to us. Then, it's a different story. We are like the ostrich with our heads in the sand. What we don't see doesn't exist. Excellent piece of work here, Jibin - powerfully written. Linda

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Randy Resh 24 December 2006

Hi Jibin: since you emailled me (unsolicted) , only asking me to vote on your poem -I won't. I'm far too selfish (not to mention- put-off) . But I will comment. I think that it illustates and draws attention to such plights, inequities & darkness of human nature. How we can become immune to suffering by it's familiarity (which sadly, '...breeds contempt') . well done. now post it also on a political site as well & perhaps you can see some action or at least, reach another audience.

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Ryson Dsouza 23 February 2016

very well written..... A way expressed that to change we got to be the change.. else how can we expect change... thanks for sharing.....

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Jazmin Woo 02 August 2015

I know how you feel, I am a selfish soul as well. I want to help people, but I am sure I don't. Does that make me selfish? Good poem, thanks for sharing!

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Kavita Bhat 04 January 2007

hiee... a salute to your thoughts buddy! all that u've written is so very true...specially the 2nd last & 3rd para....its like an eye opener.... gud one.

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Goldy Locks 29 December 2006

You gotta be kidding me.

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Cassidy Thompson 27 December 2006

is this how you really feel? ? ? if so.... i hope that one day you may change ur mind. but it is a good poem... well written. i enjoyed it to an extent. hope to read some more excellent work from you in the near future.

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jibin joseph

jibin joseph

cochin, kerala state, india
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