Sonnet 151: Love Is Too Young To Know What Conscience Is

Love is too young to know what conscience is;
Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?
Then, gentle cheater, urge not my amiss,
Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet self prove.
For thou betraying me, I do betray
My nobler part to my gross body's treason;
My soul doth tell my body that he may
Triumph in love; flesh stays no farther reason,
But, rising at thy name, doth point out thee
As his triumphant prize. Proud of this pride,

Your Time's Comin'

I knew that she belonged to someone else at the time,
But lonesome-lookin' women are a weakness of mine;
And so I bought that stuff about the love he never gave her,
And I figured I would love her some, and do us both a favor.
But just when I got up to leave, he walked in the door
And I guess I thought he'd be surprised.
He looked at me as if to say, 'I've been here before'
And he offered me this word to the wise:

cho; You know she's a cheater, son


Can you make and figure it out?
Who it can be and probably what about?
Round face, clumsy body with belly out
We can easily think and make it out

“What is secret of your being in field?
Is it money, fame or power to yield? ”
I parried question to a well-known leader
Who was considered to be a well known cheater

Sonnet Cli

Love is too young to know what conscience is;
Yet who knows not conscience is born of love?
Then, gentle cheater, urge not my amiss,
Lest guilty of my faults thy sweet self prove:
For, thou betraying me, I do betray
My nobler part to my gross body's treason;
My soul doth tell my body that he may
Triumph in love; flesh stays no father reason;
But, rising at thy name, doth point out thee
As his triumphant prize. Proud of this pride,

The Dark Lady Sonnets (127 - 154)

In the old age black was not counted fair,
Or if it were, it bore not beauty's name;
But now is black beauty's successive heir,
And beauty slandered with a bastard shame:
For since each hand hath put on Nature's power,
Fairing the foul with Art's false borrowed face,
Sweet beauty hath no name, no holy bower,
But is profaned, if not lives in disgrace.
Therefore my mistress' eyes are raven black,


Look at me now, I have no more trust
You cheated on me horribly, my actions are just
I believed in you, with all of my heart
You kept with her and tore me apart
I waited for you to find out it was wrong
You just kept seeing her, and being with her all along
I know now you were lying to me most of the time
Truth had no answers, not even in rhyme
You were starting off on your relationship new
Stupid, ignorant me kept right on believing in you

I Say Goodbye To My Bad Self

Now, it has been a long time
Since we’re together in a rhyme
Thinking of how we will use this lime
Because together, we are one mime.

We lived, acted, and have done wrong doings together,
And I thought we could be happy with this forever
But these wrong things we’ve done, I want not to remember,
Because you’ve made me a cheater and not a good sir.

A Destiny


THERE was a lady, who had early wed
One whom she saw and lov'd in her bright youth,
When life was yet untried--and when he said
He, too, lov'd her, he spoke no more than truth;
He lov'd as well as baser natures can,--
But a mean heart and soul were in that man.

A Cheater Caught

You took off with him
Seeking something new
Little did you know
The things that he would do to you

While he was cheating
On his girlfreind with you
He was cheating on you
With someone that you knew

Get You Out Of My Life

Rewrite of the Jodeci song, All My Life

I pray I never find another lover

As bitter as you

Bitter as you

The Alchemist

The sickness hot, a master quit, for fear,
His house in town, and left one servant there;
Ease him corrupted, and gave means to know

A Cheater, and his punk; who now brought low,
Leaving their narrow practice, were become
Cozeners at large; and only wanting some
House to set up, with him they here contract,
Each for a share, and all begin to act.
Much company they draw, and much abuse,

Good Health

Good health bears a good mind
good mind bears a good character
good character bears a humble person
filled with love, peace and passion
to rejuvenate an ideal philosohy.

Good health means free from disease
a person with neutral thought can have only
the person is not accused of being cheater
opportunist, self centered or malafide

X: And Must I Sing?

And must I sing? what subject shall I chuse?
Or whose great name in Poets heaven use?
For the more countenance to my active Muse?

Hercules? alas his bones are yet sore,
With his old earthly labours. T'exact more,
Of his dull god-head, were sinne. Ile implore

Phoebus? No. tend thy cart still. Envious day
Shall not give out, that I have made thee stay,

Slowly Love Kills

You see me with your eyes
But know me you don't
I might let you see a glimpse
But all of me you won't

Its not that I'm shy
I've just been hurt too much
I fell in love with a cheater
with every word and touch


And must I sing? What subject shall I choose!
Or whose great name in poets' heaven use,
For the more countenance to my active muse?

Hercules? alas, his bones are yet sore
With his old earthly labours t' exact more
Of his dull godhead were sin. I'll implore

Phoebus. No, tend thy cart still. Envious day
Shall not give out that I have made thee stay,

Otho The Great - Act V


A part of the Forest.
Auranthe. Go no further; not a step more; thou art
A master-plague in the midst of miseries.
Go I fear thee. I tremble every limb,
Who never shook before. There's moody death
In thy resolved looks Yes, I could kneel
To pray thee far away. Conrad, go, go

Wait Not More

No sugar, no honey in the speech of cheater
No thorn, no dagger is hidden in the speech of hypocrite
But every time general peoples are cheated
- why?

No peace comes to the paths of waiting
No goodness of the earth comes to the paths of hope
But often general peoples blame the fate and time

Wife Beater (Limerick)

There was once a fat, ugly, wife beater
He was also a drunk and a cheater
His chair a hot iron rod
Made by the will of God
His ass got burned badly on that heater

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All Rights Reserved

Why Did I Leave? Motivational Strips

Why did I leave? Motivational strips
Saturday,21st March 2020,

Why did I leave Motivational strip?
as it tried to strip out
My personal freedom to express freely
for the cause of literature universally

in its infant days
it held sway

You Act Like Its So Easy, Still


who says, a 1 night night stand, though its heartbreaking
is never as devestating...
and is so different from a continuous affair..
must of been some guy, who also placed his mate in this dispair
or some idiot who didnt think twice, nor ever cared....
cause every person, whose been here, would agree
with the sentiments of any type of cheating, with me
whether it was just 1 night of sex, or it lasted for 2 days,3 weeks