Why I Greet A Woman

I greet a woman
For beauty
In body and in soul
I know her heart
Is pure
I know love
Flows out from within a woman
I love woman
A woman takes
Optimistic view of life


not much chance,
completely cut loose from
he was a young man
riding a bus
through North Carolina
on the wat to somewhere
and it began to snow
and the bus stopped
at a little cafe

We Had Him

Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing
Now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind

Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace
Sing our songs among the stars and and walk our dances across the face of the moon

In the instant we learn that Michael is gone we know nothing
No clocks can tell our time and no oceans can rush our tides
With the abrupt absence of our treasure

You Men

Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
de lo mismo que culpáis:

si con ansia sin igual
solicitáis su desdén,
¿por qué quereis que obren bien
si las incitáis al mal?

Death & Fame

When I die
I don't care what happens to my body
throw ashes in the air, scatter 'em in East River
bury an urn in Elizabeth New Jersey, B'nai Israel Cemetery
But l want a big funeral
St. Patrick's Cathedral, St. Mark's Church, the largest synagogue in
First, there's family, brother, nephews, spry aged Edith stepmother
96, Aunt Honey from old Newark,
Doctor Joel, cousin Mindy, brother Gene one eyed one ear'd, sister-


Tsars, Kings, Emperors,
sovereigns of all the earth,
have commanded many a parade,
but they could not command humor.
When Aesop, the tramp, came visiting
the palaces of eminent personages
ensconced in sleek comfort all day,
they struck him as paupers.
In houses, where hypocrites have
left the smear of their puny feet,

Four Taoist Poems


Scattered rocks lie
beneath the moss-covered boulder.
They are Tai Chi students
resting in the shade of their master.
They have learned enough for today -
It's time to stop
and speak softly to the earth.


I've got to tell you
how I love you always
I think of it on grey
mornings with death

in my mouth the tea
is never hot enough
then and the cigarette
dry the maroon robe


This institution,
perhaps one should say enterprise
out of respect for which
one says one need not change one's mind
about a thing one has believed in,
requiring public promises
of one's intention
to fulfill a private obligation:
I wonder what Adam and Eve
think of it by this time,

Alive Together

Speaking of marvels, I am alive
together with you, when I might have been
alive with anyone under the sun,
when I might have been Abelard's woman
or the whore of a Renaissance pope
or a peasant wife with not enough food
and not enough love, with my children
dead of the plague. I might have slept
in an alcove next to the man
with the golden nose, who poked it

(marriage) Equality..... [see The Title; Personal Fantasy; Humor? (Let Me Know) ]

I’m an American. So you know I KNOW about equality, right?
And I’m married. I strive for spousal equality with all my might!
Let me share with you how I help to keep my marriage EQUAL.
I’m so good at it that this is my 3rd marriage sequel.

[My wife’s a good wife, and so she does her fair share..... of the house work.
I’m a good husband, and I’m no slacker. Oh, NO! From MY chores I do not shirk.]

My wife makes our bed. I mess it up.
She washes plates and bowls. I wash my cup.

Child Of Europe

We, whose lungs fill with the sweetness of day.
Who in May admire trees flowering
Are better than those who perished.

We, who taste of exotic dishes,
And enjoy fully the delights of love,
Are better than those who were buried.

We, from the fiery furnaces, from behind barbed wires

Children's Games

This is a schoolyard
with children

of all ages near a village
on a small stream
meandering by

where some boys

He Is No More

In dead night Long ring on land line
Woke me up suddenly from sleep fine,
I was not drunk or had taken wine
Eyes remained half open with light’s shine

I knew it was her calling from that end,
I had many messages to send,
Neither she cared to pick up not to attend
I decided not to give her time to mend,


An acquaintance at Los Alamos Labs
who engineers weapons
black x’d a mark where I live
on his office map.
Star-wars humor….
He exchanged muddy boots
and patched jeans
for a white intern’s coat
and black polished shoes.
A month ago, after butchering a gouged bull,

'Poetic Pizza' Pieces For Poemhunter Pals....[fantasy Poem/Pizza Creation; Personal]

Kanav Justa suggested I share my pizza with PoemHunter friends,
but I’ve found, when trying to send real pizza, my wife’s computer bends.
So you PoemHunter friends will have to settle for.... slices of my thoughts.
You’ll have to settle for “Poetic Pizza” Pieces my mind and pen have wrought.

Instead of dough for its foundation, I use what I see and hear and think.
Instead of an oven for baking, I bake on notebook pages (or paper scraps) with ink.

Instead of tomato or pesto sauce I spread a layer of imagination and/or knowledge.

~ Omni Pervading Mother ~

Ms. Nivedita
April 28,2010.

[Humble submission: This poem with humility consecrated to Sr. Poet Mom Almeda Knight on her 75th birth day 26th April by a wee daughter from India. From whom I received motherly care guidance and support all thro’ especially in my blue poetic days. I’m indeed a feeble poet to glorify poetically any Mom, so the fountainhead of emotion RNT I’d to bow before and owe from ~ niv]

O Dear
Universe captivating

A Lonely Cloud.....[nature Observation; Humor]

I saw a lonely cloud one day.
It looked small beyond the Bay.
I tried to find a second and failed,
even though I looked each way.

Think of it! A single cloud.
Its loneliness spoke to me aloud.
I wonder how it felt up there.
Was it very proud?

The Lord Of All Illusions

The love that fate, in humor,
May grant a younger heart.
Will keep it pure and wholesome,
Though It's been torn apart.

As lost loves still engender
A pain at every turn.
A short term loss of memory
Is but their least concern.

4 All The Women/Girls Out There!

a women.

she can tease.
she can smile.
she can do such harm that makes us men kneel down and bow.
of course all girls wants to be the princess in their mans heart.