(marriage) Equality..... [see The Title; Personal Fantasy; Humor? (Let Me Know) ] Poem by Bri Edwards

(marriage) Equality..... [see The Title; Personal Fantasy; Humor? (Let Me Know) ]

Rating: 4.7

I’m an American. So you know I KNOW about equality, right?
And I’m married. I strive for spousal equality with all my might!
Let me share with you how I help to keep my marriage EQUAL.
I’m so good at it that this is my 3rd marriage sequel.

[My wife’s a good wife, and so she does her fair share..... of the house work.
I’m a good husband, and I’m no slacker. Oh, NO! From MY chores I do not shirk.]

My wife makes our bed. I mess it up.
She washes plates and bowls. I wash my cup.
She washes our clothes. I say “Nice job.”
She hangs them on line. I tell her 'They’re dry.' I’m NO SLOB! ..... Oh, NO!

She cooks supper, though it’s sometimes late.
I eat every meal and even lick my plate.... and hers.
I turn on lawn sprinkler and she mows the lawn.....
though, to do so, she starts mowing at the crack of dawn......
(and wakes ME up!) .

The problem is she has a full-time job...... at a bank.
I have no “OUTSIDE” job. At regular jobs I stank.
But I’m glad that at home I can, and do, do my part.
I don’t, like SOME BUMS,.... just sit at home and fart.

if i told you which part(s) of this poem is/are TRUE, you might not believe me. ;)
Poetheart Morgan 30 November 2013

kakakakakaakaka! ! ! ! I am here laughing a lot Poet! ! ! ! Very good!

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Valsa George 02 December 2013

What a hectic schedule, you have as an equal partner ! ! .... So zealously discharging the duties of a fulltime husband! After every meal, since you lick your plate and hers, I see that dish washing is made easier! Enjoyed the poem especially the last line! (though a little repulsive) A 10 for this slapstick write! !

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Bri Edwards 02 July 2023

Valsa, my best goes to YOU, always. Don't tell my wife! She will urge you to buy me from her! ! ! : )

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Chinedu Dike 11 November 2024

A Well thought out and nicely crafted poem. Your ability to bring in humour in your works is something to be admired greatly.

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Bri Edwards 02 October 2023

I miss you, Valsa; I can hardly afford to lose any 'faithful' fans! ! ! ! But I know you STILL 'love' me, even though you fled to another poetry site! ! : )

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Bri Edwards 02 July 2023

GOLLY! Over 10 years this poem seems to have had comments from 28 different poets, IF you count the one from ME. 'Those WERE the days! ' Thanks, to all. : ) bri

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Koffi Sossou 02 July 2023

sarcasm and irony. I'm lucky, because you warned me. What a hardworking husband 😅!

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Bri Edwards 02 July 2023

(cont.) I THINK my MAIN MISTAKE was marrying ALL of them on my birthday...IN THE SAME YEAR! ! ! : ( bri

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Bri Edwards 02 July 2023

AND I've warned ALL of my 4 wives......(one is STILL my wife, for 15 years (an amazing record) ....before marrying them; OK, maybe I did NOT.

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Lyn Paul 18 March 2023

Humorous as planned. Have you thought of why your 3rd wife may work full time. I like that you seem to not take anything serious. Go Bri

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Bri Edwards

Bri Edwards

Earth, i believe
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