I'm Blest (Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love)

Of all of God's creation
I love you foremost
Tower of inspiration
And kindness utmost

Providing motivation
Giving me support
Helping ease frustration
With friendly comfort

**** Valentine's Day Special: Chemistry Of Love ****

Hey darling,
You’re the oxytocin
The love hormone
Creates bonding, trust
And attachment
I’m addicted to you
You travel through my brain
And spinal cord

Hey darling,


Depression is like a tidal wave pulling you further in
You don't feel upto facing anyone or anything

Depression is a huge emphasis on feeling sad and low
You feel like you're in a dark place with nowhere else to go

Depression is like you're falling deeper into a black hole
Your mind feels violated and as though you have no control

Depression is having little energy or lack of motivation


Neither the motivation should be confined to word nor to book. Many things might have been written in book but so long as it is not put into practice or use, it can’t deliver the result. You might have experienced number of times that actual result can be had only after putting self before everything. The sales men may increase the sales by many folds but that may just not be the reality. It is performed under forced situation. It is doesn’t speak of any motivation, but only a consideration,


There's a miracle called "Friendship." Oh what a miracle it is
in just keepin' it real. The "Friendship" dwells way, way down deep in the heart and soul of
a person or individuals. You don't know how this "Friendship" happens, it just happens so soulfully. It is a light from the "Friendship" that provides sunlight to the soul
whenever it happens. But you know and recognize the special lift the
"Friendship" provides. The "Friendship" inspires encouragement, inspiration, joy, and motivation. When you need that special lift from the "Friendship" that keeps you

One Haiku, Two Senryus

Busy spider's web.
Web of silence - maybe spies!
I sure spies a web.

I'm Jack of all Trades,
A multifarious me,
Climbing the ladder?

A Story Of The Rising Butterfly / Underneath My Chrysalis

Laying on the green leaf, left and abandoned
Be a caterpillar, never easy as u thought
Hated, oppressed are common, love is rarely brought
With friends, everywhere is like home, strong without bone
Chase away negative shadow out of sacred zone

Up to the sky, wind share stories beyond the garden
You hope to fly, discover new world heaven
Hopes given by grasshopper always make you strong
Dragonfly said, dream high, it is nothing wrong

Great Noble Poetess Sylvia Frances Chan

She is great, great and great
Chanting the greatness of truth
Hereby I declare that she is
A great noble poetess!
She is Sylvia Frances Chan!

She has great desire to know truth,
She travels across the globe
In search of truth, love and peace,
She preach God's wisdom to all,

Aquarium Of Hope

Man moves with the wind assisting his respiration
hope moves man in finding his way and direction;
love keeps forgetting its existence and action
truth keeps circling the heart for its perception;

man plans and prays for momentum and motivation
but like a gold fish in an aquarium man feels isolation
when those whom he beckons lack redemption
and overturn their own jug of justice and rectification;


LOVE, most beautiful natural instinct life has given us,
LOVE, mother nature provides the many loves for basic survival,
LOVE, the greatest demand and motivation within humans,
LOVE, strongest mental force from these instinctive wants.

LOVE, the eternal flame of hope human beings wish for,
LOVE, the greatest physical feeling enjoyed by humans,
LOVE, compassion of affections for the good of mankind,
LOVE, romance of humans rewarded by the thirst of sexual love.

A Poem By My Son

There is nothing,
Like being a FRIEND.
There is nothing,
Like being a WELL WISHER.
There is nothing,
Like being a GUIDE.
There is nothing,
Like being a MENTOR.
There is nothing,
Like being a PILLAR of STRENGTH.

On The Fire Suicides Of The Buddhists

'They only burn themselves to reach Paradise'
- Mne. Nhu

original courage is good,
motivation be damned,
and if you say they are trained
to feel no pain,
are they
guarenteed this?
is it still not possible

Mohammed Asim Nehal

Master of accounting and poetic skills,
Organizing events is in his right hand,
Honour he gives and receives with joy,
Astounding personality he is from Nagpur,
Motivation he has within for all readers,
Manner is good as he is the master of hope,
Effort he gives for literary perseverance,
Dazzling star he is in this sky of writing.

Ascot he wears expressing his silky vision,

Glimmer Of Spring At Daringbadi

Spring time is a great time of love
And this blooms when sun beautifies tender sky,
Spring allows us to sing and
Spring allows us to feel the beauty of nature.
Spring thanks us and you also thank us.
As per change of time everything changes.

Spring is king of all seasons and
Queen of billions of creatures,
Many poets have sung about spring.

Repertory Of The Danda Nata

The most popular and and the most old dance
Ancient Kalinga Kingdom has gifted to the world,
This is the Danda Nata, the dance festival of people,
In this season of Danda Nata monsoon of music flows
With victorious sound of the drum known as Dhola
And the sweet tune of traditional Mahuri,
Devotees who participate in this festival are
Known as Bhoktas or Danduas and all are males
Passing through a process of purification,
They act, sing and dance as per the playing of Dhola,

(((This Thing Of Ours)))

In the twilight of this quiescent moment-
I peruse this thing of ours-
Querying this palpable abtruse connection-
Am i deluded or wrongly perceived by the stars?

Has the universe literally taken me for a ride?
Perhaps upon an illicit comet 'round the sun?
Causing abhorrent disregard for my well being-
Vaporizing in a luminous tail, out west when day is done...?

Review Letter To Valsa George On World Poetry Day

Respected poetess madam
Legend Star (किंवदंती सितारा)Valsa George

[Note: This review letter is World Poetry Day Special Comprehensive Review published on date 21st March 2019 and Gift given on Occasion of Happy Holi Celebration for date 22nd March 2019]

You will be happy to know that I have picked up your poem titled, "Lulling Symphony, ' and comprehensively line by line reviewed it on date 22nd February 2019. This is posted below your poem in many comments. The complete review I am attaching here for your future reference.

Vincent Van Gogh 63 - A Sudden Outburst

After lunch, Jan went to sleep in his mother's lap,
As Kay sat silently looking at her son with affection.
She stroked her son's hair, gently lulling him to sleep.
Vincent kept staring at Kay's delicate features,
And thought in his mind, how beautiful she looked!
But Vincent was disturbed by her pensive mood.
He knew, Kay was still thinking of her husband Vos.
She lived in the past reminiscing the happy days.
He became angry and frustrated too,
That Kay was ever dwelling in the past.

My Stella - 74

- My Stella - 74

Death seems dreadful to all aspirant hearts,
Death is the end of chattering mind.
No one wants the end of tidal waves - to be ceased, to be quiet.
The bubble though too pimping and miniature,
It is full to enjoy the cessation.

Death is the end of clinging and holding,


Why do you hold me in high esteem and praise?
Make me to feel great with status raised
I am overwhelmed by your noble gesture
As you always wished me for bright future

I was no where near respectable mark or level
You encouraged me to work had and excel
Filled with high spirit, motivation and enthusiasm
Inspired me rise beyond certain level and “ism”