The Abyss Of Drug Addiction

In a wayward adventure in curiosity —
lured away from savvy of cooler judgment,  
he oversteps the bounds of reality 
into a state of altered awareness.

Overwhelmed by a rapid beginning of
a buzzing sensation — The Rush;
emanating from deep inside him,  
surging along the veins streaming 

Immigrants In Our Own Land

We are born with dreams in our hearts,
looking for better days ahead.
At the gates we are given new papers,
our old clothes are taken
and we are given overalls like mechanics wear.
We are given shots and doctors ask questions.
Then we gather in another room
where counselors orient us to the new land
we will now live in. We take tests.
Some of us were craftsmen in the old world,

Frailty Thy Name Is Democracy?

The wayside hut was demolished for widening the road
Leading the minister's corruption-avenues to widen broad
The lone old woman lost her shelter and took asylum In the 9th ward
Compensation for acquisition was tangled up in red tape
All assurances of the minister for rehabilitation turned void
His election manifesto hidden in oblivion never found manifestation!

Greedy fox, he is secretly searching for a bucketful of blue dye
To dip his children and make them fit for reigning after their father

Sab Ko San Mathi De Bhagvan

Among the streams of refugees
He was a boy of nine.
From the winds of Lahore
It was an exile forever.

He reached a refugee camp,
Life was that of a tramp.
Freedom at midnight was a chain
Hopes were nearly slain.

A Visit To Poemville

Come with me now
to visit the town
where all the Poems live.

There we have fine houses
carefully built
with words, verisimilitudes
and verbs;

wide open windows;

(*) Self Rehabilitation

Over with dilapidated,
outcast of past,
needless to regret,
over sentimental erosion,
deplorable skeletal wreaks,
amendable with back steps,
Cognisant of perceptible,
hands of kindliness,
and hopeful disposition.
This day is nothing,

Cox's Bazar Sea Beach And Its Surroundings - Verse Paragraph

Cox's Bazar Sea Beach And Its Surroundings - Verse Paragraph
March 24, 2020

The largest sea beach in the world is the Cox's Bazaar Sea Beach
Situated at the shore of the Bay of Bengal
To the most southern part of my country, Bangladesh
This sea-beach is around 120 kilometers long,

Every year many tourists come here


I came here for health
and found peace

I was looking for rest
and discovered a smile

Took the route of Pieniny
talked to the silence

Sat down tired

Crackheads Heads Up

Cracks Ho’s, buy the bunch,
The not so innocent rock candy has devastated hundred if not thousands of families.
The new law says we shouldn’t treat crack as we did cocaine.
But it’s a terrible drug because it is so cheap.
Getting the abusers out of jail without rehabilitation is socially insane.
The kids that sold for crack,
the women sold themselves for the piece of the rock,
The AIDS would be more abundant, Crack babies being born.
Crack is the one of most inexpensive drug that is out there

Come With Me, Dear

Come with me, dear
I shall show you the vacuums of this world.
Come with me, dear
I shall make you feel the nothingness of this planet.

You have heard what I said
But you don`t want to come with me
For vacuums and nothingness have never been
Into your mind even for a while.

Freedom From Martyrdom

As I carried a glass of hot milk at night,
I believe has Tryptophan, helps sleep tight.

Passed by his door slightly ajar, hand on mouse
Eyes glued to the lap top, pin dropp silence in the house.

I promised myself to confront him next day
And say in an even and firm tone this is no way.

Next morning at nine o clock rang his cell phone.

Dance Bars

Cheap entertainment for city people
Landed poor girls dancing girls into trouble
Government ordered closure of bars
Only available means in city for not going far

It had created law and order situation
Rapes, robberies and theft cases were brought to attention
The police used to raid bars at late night
It was sometimes resisted and resulted in fight

The Undefined Saint Abdul Sattar Edhi

The candle extinguished but I see,
still not dark, many candles were lit,
a living candle, a source of light,
let the candles lit, we need it.
A saint and servant of all,
irrespective of languages and religions
Who was he? Can you define?
Let him remain undefined,
he was a sun he shined and will always shine.
(Saint Abdul Sattar Edhi

Forty And Fabulous.

Life begins at forty, today I was born.
Yesterday swept by the wind.
Tomorrow, pregnant with hope.
A new chapter is about to be written.
A new page is about to be open.

I am Forty and Fabulous, my yesterday a dress rehearsal for my big stage performance.
I am Forty and Fortified, was behind the scenes but it's time I make a grand appearance.
I am Forty and Fabulous, my apprenticeship is come to an end. It's time to practice what I've been taught.
I am Forty and Fortified, my mentorship has ended. No more will I be clueless.

Isabgol Husk Relieves The Constipation Of The Elders Naturally!

Elderly sons of very elderly father
must realize the problems of senility,
Especially in voiding of urine frequently,
very weak streams from urethra to floor evenly;

mostly spilling over the knees down
necessitating to clean and wipe both the legs!
The suggestive remedy is to make him
sit in the western closet and urinate!

Love The Poor

Lead the line and show the way
over all gesture for their comfortable stay
Voice against their suppression of rights
Element of humanity is to be shown with delight

Today may not be their favorable day
They might have been deprived and pushed away
Yet they are human being and deserve good treatment
Any kind of ill treatment may invite adverse comment

Life Within Life

A concept followed by us since ages
Skillfully adopted and managed
That we lead double standard life
To beat the people with words of double edged knife

Some people are expert in putting false front
They may have all comforts in life yet show it as absent
May live with poor standard as if they have nothing
In fact they are misleading self for something


Overthinking is my enemy
It leads me to complete insanity
A self-pity made up of an inquisitive anatomy
What if...?
The two words that spiral me into a frenzy
A psychological tornado not even my friends see
My zoned out face says I'm out of it
But I'm too deep into it
My predicament suggests mental breakdown is imminent
Dead memories get brought back to mind

A Be-Ggar

No one opts for unless forced
Inner soul feels guilty with remorse
Yet that is compulsion
No one desires it even amidst confusion

It is curse to be called beggar
*Daridranarayan* in new avatar
Daily blessing all for little food
Respond to appeal and offer for good

Real Reflection

Real reflection

Tuesday, December 26,2017
4: 47 PM

Eyes are reflection
Of any action
That may take you to the direction
And prove secured rehabilitation