Just Get Over It (Depression Depression Depression Depression)

'Just get over it, ' they say
I wish I could find a way
Living with it day by day
Memories won't go away

Medication helps to sway
Many feelings of dismay
But they do fail to decay
The loss that one does survey

Heartaches Will Never Last

Heartaches will never last nor will they ever stay;
sorrow shall go so fast in the passing of day.
Once in a little while, one's heart may break and bleed;
abandoned by the smile, his teardrops want to plead.

The colors of life's way are not just pink and bright
but also dark and gray for the day and the night.
The pain and hopelessness are just in someone's mind;
causing some mental stress, better leave them behind.

Buried Alive

Inside that feeling of depression..........
It's not just a silly superstiotion...........
It's hard to make this confession........

I'm buried alive.................
I believe that no one can help me to survive.............................
I'm sick of this pathetic life...............
and i think it's all based on a horrible big lie..................

still there..laying there

We Ain'T Got No Money, Honey, But We Got Rain

call it the greenhouse effect or whatever
but it just doesn't rain like it used to.
I particularly remember the rains of the
depression era.
there wasn't any money but there was
plenty of rain.
it wouldn't rain for just a night or
a day,
it would RAIN for 7 days and 7

Children Of The Street

In their faces a colourless gaping of life's adversity:
the hopeless grief of a hellish existence;
Malnourished, starving, filth and olfactory horrors;  
Their humiliating nothingness clothed in rags;  
Usually barefooted with low self-esteem;  
Begging, and rummaging through garbage for
thrown-away foods to assuage pangs of hunger;
Oftentimes feeling cold that comes from being sickly;
Sleeping or indulging in cheap cocktails of toxic
sedatives at the dark corners of the street:

'Depression Makes Me.......'

Depression makes me feel pain
Depression makes me stupid
Depression makes me feel low
Depression makes me mad
Depression makes me sad
Depression makes me forget world
Depression makes me tensed
Depression makes me lose self control
Depression makes me hate everyone
Depression makes me think over and over

** Recession Of Love ***--In Top 500

The flood of recession
has shaken the foundation
of house of hope,
built on land of optimism

The hope is swept away
in torrential flood of depression

The soothing wintry sunshine
of share and care

Perfect Lie/ You Are Loved The Way You Are

Stand in front of the mirror
Either boys or girls, some got depression
Try to find yourself underneath the reflection
Dissect each point, seek for perfection
Dreaming of perfection, adore some corrections

Never know the word of satisfy
Already beautiful but admire to modify
Don't you know who really you are?
You are loved by the way you are

The Abyss Of Drug Addiction

In a wayward adventure in curiosity —
lured away from savvy of cooler judgment,  
he oversteps the bounds of reality 
into a state of altered awareness.

Overwhelmed by a rapid beginning of
a buzzing sensation — The Rush;
emanating from deep inside him,  
surging along the veins streaming 

Depression Isn'T Obvious Suicide Is

Depression isn't obvious but suicide is.
My pain nobody sees.
My my mangled body they shall see.
My head was all but a mess.
Depression overtaking me.
Suicide was to be my bid for freedom.
Becuase deppression isn't obvious but suicide is.

Depression is never obvious even when its staring them in the face.
But now suicide will be obvious how can it not?

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house

# A Finger's Touch On Me - [in Top 500]

in those days
as cavemen..man feared
the rumble and tumble in the sky
the lightning and thunder
he thought was god's wrath
the god's are at war he would say

today they say
the lightning and thunder
the commotion up there

In The Mid Of The Night, Depression You Are Killing Me..

I'm waiting for the very person,
Who'll wipe off my sorrows,
The one who will give me a hug,
When I have no hope left.
The one who will take me to heights,
The one who will care for me,
Or make me want to live,
When I'm ready to die.

I'm waiting for the comforting words,

I Had A Hippopotamus

I had a Hippopotamus, I kept him in a shed
And fed him upon vitamins and vegetable bread
I made him my companion on many cheery walks
And had his portrait done by a celebrity in chalk

His charming eccentricities were known on every side
The creatures' popularity was wonderfully wide
He frolocked with the Rector in a dozen friendly tussles
Who could not but remark on his hippopotamuscles

Pantoum Of The Great Depression

Our lives avoided tragedy
Simply by going on and on,
Without end and with little apparent meaning.
Oh, there were storms and small catastrophes.

Simply by going on and on
We managed. No need for the heroic.
Oh, there were storms and small catastrophes.
I don't remember all the particulars.

Wine Of Health

Wight of puny might
Junk the junk food
it’s dynamite
Shun the Sugar
it’s cyanide.
Avoid drinks and give up smoke
transform yourself into a nice bloke,
And you wont have diabetes nor stroke;
for depression cannot be

True Love

True love. Is it normal
is it serious, is it practical?
What does the world get from two people
who exist in a world of their own?

Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason,
drawn randomly from millions but convinced
it had to happen this way – in reward for what?
For nothing.
The light descends from nowhere.


Depression is like a tidal wave pulling you further in
You don't feel upto facing anyone or anything

Depression is a huge emphasis on feeling sad and low
You feel like you're in a dark place with nowhere else to go

Depression is like you're falling deeper into a black hole
Your mind feels violated and as though you have no control

Depression is having little energy or lack of motivation

Depression Is A World

Depression is a world
Depression leaves you lost
Depression drops you into a never ending black hole
You want to get help
But you can't
When you do
You wish you didn't
Depression leaves you numb
With fear
Depression leaves you no hope

The Ultimate Denial

Depression is being tired, when you're never able to sleep
Depression is pity, when you hate other's sympathy
Depression is longing for more, when you never acknowlede what's already there
Depression is the feeling of self-hatred, when the arrogance is concurrently overwhelming
Depression is the repugnance of emotional discomfort, when a sanctuary for physical affliction exists
Depression is loathing at your own success, when the ones around you prosper
Depression is perfectionism, when you could care less about anything else
Depression is the rock that you choose to constantly trip over, when all you have to do is move around it...
Depression is the ultimate cost of denial, when the truth is too much to handle