Depression Isn'T Obvious Suicide Is Poem by Amy Louise Kerswell

Depression Isn'T Obvious Suicide Is

Rating: 5.0

Depression isn't obvious but suicide is.
My pain nobody sees.
My my mangled body they shall see.
My head was all but a mess.
Depression overtaking me.
Suicide was to be my bid for freedom.
Becuase deppression isn't obvious but suicide is.

Depression is never obvious even when its staring them in the face.
But now suicide will be obvious how can it not?
Now my life is too much to bear.
Suicide I shall commit.
Now its obvious but its all too late.

Thelone X 28 April 2015

Ive got to read a poem that reflects my own feelings in front of my class, so im choosing this one. I hope you dont mind ~A.B

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Desirae Brown 05 April 2009

this poem reflects how I feel I've been diagnoised as depressed by17 doctors and my parents still don't believe them

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Cheryl Davis Miller 18 October 2016

I hear you and wish to hear more from you, climb up from the well, you've fallen into. Find your voice and scream out, rage if you can than stand and speak out again and again. be well

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John Gein 10 December 2008

amazing poem. it's one of my favorites

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Hannah Thomssen 21 January 2008

this poem is so true i love this poem and i am going to tell everyone about it

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Depression 06 May 2019

This poem made me feel depressed

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Abby Stringer 03 October 2018

It's never too late. Help is there and the right help, helps.

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Hannah Williams 05 May 2018

Very powerful, Hope you're okay. Take care.10/10/

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Mike M 26 April 2018

Really powerful Stay strong We care

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Naila Rais 17 April 2018

I can really relate to it.... I would like you read my poem In the mid of the night, depression you are killing me too.... Keep courage.... Well expressed... Naila

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