Francis Duggan Earth Poems

On Ode To The Earth By Robert Murray Smith

Now here is a poem for the ages that in time is bound to live on
Long after it's author Robert Murray Smith to the land of forever has gone
In every great poet there is a great poem and Ode To The Earth is Robert's best
A poem that will live on for centuries of good poetry time is the test

Mother Earth Or Mother Nature

Her beauty is all around us every day
A beauty for to view we do not have for to pay
From a tiny seed she grows a mighty tree
And she feeds every life form including humanity

Mother Earth

The greatest friend mankind could wish to know
The food we eat out of her bosom grow
Her lakes, wells, streams and rivers our drinking supply
Without her waters we would quickly die.

Mother Earth Will Survive

Those who say mankind will destroy Planet Earth believe in their own lie
The Earth will live though human kind their own selves may destroy
In a thousand centuries from now the birds will sing on the trees
Though humans may have been wiped out by some incurable disease.

Utopia On Earth

I long for a place where Humans have never been
Where Nature in all of her natural beauty is seen
Away from the loud talk of men full of beer
The stories of their lives I'm obliged to hear.

Heaven On Earth

Heaven on Earth is for the privileged few
That's something quite well known not anything new
And millions are living in their Earthly Hell
With only sad stories of their lives to tell

Life On Earth Goes On As Usual

George W Bush bit into a pretzel but as he swallowed he struggled for breath
And he hit the floor in a weakness the President was near to death
But after an hour he recovered a graze on his face from his fall
And years from now in his autobiography the incident he will recall.

Mother Earth And Nature

For to view it is something we does not have to for to pay
The beauty of Nature that is around us every day
The natural beauty that she does create
One can truly say of her than her none so great

Mother Earth She Is Suffering

We need every bush and we need every tree
And Mother Earth is in need of more friends would you not agree
On our very existence on her we depend
But we does not respect her as our greatest friend

The Praises Of Earth Mother

Of singing her praises could one ever tire
The one that the artists and writers inspire
To sketch and write stories of the one who supplies us with our every need
Yet wealthy humans abuse her for to satiate their greed

To Earth Mother

To our Earth Mother our greatest achievements seem small
She is the one who supports and feeds us all
Though she is the one we depend on to live
We take and take from her and in return to her little give

Down To Earth Jim

To others he does seem a little bit rough
But as a person he is one who is good enough
From one in need of helping he would not turn away
And he is one who works hard for his take home pay

What We Do To Our Earth Mother To Our Own

The environmentally unenlightened of the Human World are not in the few
On saying this i am not saying anything that is new
With her resources being plundered by the people of greed
Mother Earth sad to say of more friends is in need

Than Our Earth Mother

Her wonders are many and her secrets not few
Yet every day of her we learn something new
For our very survival on her we depend
Than our Earth Mother we do not have a greater friend

They Abuse Our Earth Mother

They abuse our Earth Mother for their own financial gain every day
And admiration and respect for their accumulation of wealth many people to them does pay
But by their abuse of our Earth Mother it does seem sad to say
That they are not helping future generations of people in any sort of a way

A Down To Earth Person

As we know the pretentious are quite subject to self conceit
But the down to earth people are always a pleasure to meet
Other than who they are they never pretend to be
Of snobbery and self importance they are quite free

More Than Our Earth Mother

I've loved Mother Nature since I was a boy
And to me she remains as a source of great joy
Her beauty is everywhere all around me
In Nature there's so much to learn of and see

The Prophesy The Meek The Earth Will Inherit

There's a prophesy that the meek the Earth will inherit
Though I don't think I will live to see that day
At least 'twould seem it is a long time in coming
And now from us it seems further away

What We Do To Our Earth Mother

Of more Natural disasters in the news each day we hear
The anger of Mother Nature it is a thing to fear
She rages through the suburbs and blows the houses down
And leaves death and destruction as she heads for another Town.

Our Earth Mother

The poets they sing about her the artists her do draw
And she lives independently of human kind and she has her own law
And one of the laws of Mother Nature is we all must die one day
Like every other life form for that is Nature's way

The Earth Is Connected

To any one Nation we do not belong
The Earth is one crust though most would say I'm wrong
The deepest of oceans to them have a floor
The Earth is connected on every shore.

Feel Grateful To Our Earth Mother

Feel grateful to our Earth mother for at least we should feel aware
That without her we could not exist of us she takes good care
We pollute her sky and waterways and remove trees from her land
Yet what we do to her to ourselves we do many of us don't seem to understand

She Is More Than Our Earth Mother

I've loved Mother Nature since I was a boy
And to me she remains as a source of great joy
Her beauty is everywhere all around me
In Nature there's so much to learn of and see

Our Immortal Earth Mother

We learn from her for as long as we live
And so much enjoyment to us she does give
Our wonder of her only does seem to grow
And the more we learn of her the less of her we know we know.

Earth Haven

The Dandenong Ranges Nature lovers went north for the new year
To sample the natural life style and for a change in atmosphere
Miles distant from suburbia they went for a short break
To confest or Earth Haven if just for old time sake.

He Brought Me Back To Earth

He said to me mate you've written reams of rubbish and it's time you gave writing doggerel away
And though my ego by him had been wounded I will survive to write another day
I will survive to write another doggerel for my right to life I ought to justify
And it won't matter to me if I am forgotten for the famous dead their fame cannot enjoy.

Earth's Enemy

The World keep getting smaller by the day
The ocean steals a piece of land away
An inch of coastline each month goes to sea
But ocean to land not an enemy.

Mother Earth The One Who Does

Mother Earth the one who does support us respect to her from us overdue
If we cannot respect the one who does feed us to our own selves we cannot be true
The one who supports all life forms supports us for as long as we live
We take and we keep taking from her and in return to her little give

Mother Earth Is The One

So little i know of Nature's ways i have come to realize
But this in itself is not any surprise
Her secrets from us she has well hidden away
Though of her we do learn something new every day

From The Earth Who Does Feed Us

Many life forms are on the brink of extinction today
And that extinction is forever only true to say
Many species that once were common now rare in their range
Due to habitat destruction and climate change

Of Friends Our Earth Mother

Of friends our Earth Mother does need more us humans take from her and in return to her little give
Though she is the one who does feed us off of the food she grows for us we do live
Yet some of our kind very greedy and only know of how to receive
What we do to the Earth that does feed us we do to ourselves i believe

On The Abuse Of Our Earth Mother

The wealthiest person in his suburb today
For to remove trees for to build factories and houses his workers he pay
By his workers so many trees have been cut down
For to make him the wealthiest man in the town


What's life about one has to ask since we are born to die
Immortality for the good souls post bodily death may be based on a lie
People for their gene survival help to create life in this overpopulated Human World of today
To compete for jobs and material success does life have to be this way?

Earth Mother And Nature

Of Nature we learn something new every day
We never stop learning of her in truth one can say
Wherever we turn to look her beauty we see
It is all around you and it is all around me

The Great Mother Earth

The great Mother Earth who does feed us humans all
And every life form from the great to the small
Us humans take from her and in return to her little give
Yet we are dependant on her for to live

The Earth's Abusers

Though for the abuse of our Earth many of them mostly to blame
They live the good lives without any sense of guilt or shame
They cause the pollution oflakes and oceans and every waterway
Some of the known billionaires of the Human World of today

Of More Friends Of The Earth

Due to Climate Change and destruction of natural habitat by the greedy environmentally unaware
Many species of wildlife are becoming quite rare
Far too many only interested in the promotion of their own welfare
To realize that Planet Earth is only for us to live in and with other creatures to share

Hell Is On Earth

Cannot say about this so called place where angels do dwell
But there sure is a place known as Earthly Hell
As the poor of the Planet we live on lives there
And poor people nowadays to be found everywhere

Mother Earth Will Live Forever

The longest lived human life perhaps fifteen years beyond five score
But Mother Earth will live forever more
She feeds all life forms the great and the small
On land, river and sea she provides for all

Our Earth Mother The One

She has inspired writers to poetry and story and song and rhyme
The one very old in the dinosaur time
Our Earth Mother the one who does feed us all
For her there will never be a final Fall

To Our Earth Mother

The men who dig up your ground and steal from you your gold
In money have grown wealthier but not wiser as they grow old
Where big machines have been digging huge holes in numbers abound
This is always the case where men dig in the ground

The Great Earth

She provides us with our every survival need
The Great Earth is truly a Great Earth indeed
For our very existence on her we depend
Yet we do not treat her as our greatest friend.

Earth Mother

The dinosaurs the ways of time since have long gone
They belonged to Nature and Nature lives on
The same Nature who provides for the family of man
The one true immortal on her no time span

Goddess Nature Or Mother Earth

The Goddess of Planet Earth from the far north to the far southern shore
What can be said of her that has not been said before
Her great power and beauty none ought to deny
Mother Earth or Goddess Nature are names she is known by

Mother Nature Or Earth Mother

Her green of Spring and Summer her brown leaves of the Fall
Her white hills of Winter her coldest Season of all
Amazing Mother Nature lives all around me
And everywhere I look her beauty I see

Our Earth Mother Nature

The beauty of Nature does not cost us to see
Everyday as i walk it is all around me
Even in the town park every day of the year
The Earthly Goddess to us is ever near

Our Marvellous Earth Mother

We are part of her and to her we belong
And if you cannot love her with you something wrong
Every life form in the world she is known for to feed
We cannot live without her though us she does not need

Without Our Amazing Earth Mother

To the most highly educated class one can say they do belong
But those who talk of living off of the economy have surely got it wrong
We refer to them as economists yet call them what you may
In saying that we live off of the economy they are wrong in what they say

My Marvellous Earth Mother

The joy that I do find in Nature in words I could never express
I thank you my marvellous Earth Mother for giving me such happiness
I loved you when I was a young boy and I even love you more today
For the pleasure you have given to me you I cannot hope to repay

To Our Marvellous Earth Mother

With the wonders of Nature There's none to compare
And all life forms in Nature some things in common do share
And in Nature the genes of the fittest and strongest destined to live on
When they themselves to the ways of time have gone.

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