Albert Witz

Albert Witz Poems

Dear silence, old friend of mine
ambiguity stricken doubt plaguing any inner sanctum
clinging to thoughts unspoken, wrought with insecurity
I bring no false duplicity, eternally bullied down by psychotic fits of misery

The world, my heart, in pain this night.
As raindrops are falling with only stars for light.
I sit, my raindrops, tears.
The finale is an introduction.

I wish to
Follow the temptation
Suicidal damnation

I swear, I'm steel
Hard and strong,
But I'm not stainless,
All of you leave your marks

The unreliable appearance of an angel.
Wings white in the wind.
A golden ring rests atop your rusted horns.
The beauty you radiate, must be from below.

The world Is spinning inside my head
Time knows no boundaries
The flow and order cease
This universe, I created


Some people think of me as a minor,
Major amounts of thoughts
Feed the inner most parts of my heart.
A loss of self, significant in theory, living my boring life so dreary.

Words, words can be so diminutive, yet knock you out.
Words can make a blind man see, words can create or destroy a world.
The power lies in meaning, cynical as it is, the power varies.
Nothing is concrete, love is a lie, fabrications of a faberge life.


The truth is unreal.
I know not what Im thinking.
Only where my thoughts lie.
These objects don't exist.

Me myself and I.
Everybody has to die.
No human can become complete until death is accepted.
Your heart, your soul, your whole being, finally fine with ceasing to be.

I'm a sweet talker.
Born this way, a Stalker.
A never ending cycle of systematic psychosis.
I was raised to be an idol, I never wanted to worship.

Please. Just hold me. Hug me. Kiss me. Before I revert to anger, depression, remorse. I don't want to feel these feelings. And I'd rather not kill myself at the moment. Your love is the key to my happiness. I'm sorry for placing such a burden on you, The weight of my joy, my elation, my soul.

So here's what I've been wanting to say, I'm sorry for the way I reacted today. I just didn't quite know how to respond. I woke up to learn something of which I'm not fond. I don't know how you feel about him and it scares me.

I'm lost at sea without my eyes, I can't see. In this daze I walk on water, across the surface blows a breeze. How is it that I know that I'm alive? My senses are inaccurate, I'm so afraid to die. The only thing I know is that right now I'm living.


As I low here contemplating consciousness. I find that my eyes are open wide and in spite of all the darkness, I can clearly see the light off in the distance. The light grows dim as my eyes grow weary from straining to see so far away. What could possibly be the source of such luminous energy?

I bear the whip
The ball
And Chain
I'll give no gratifying wince of pain


I love you... Goodnight, goodbye. For one more time I get these same old lines. Click of the phone let's me know that I'm alone, again I find myself wondering how I made you all my own. Each and every time I see you, walking in my mind.

Contemplating death
Leads me to feel lost
This sea of life gives no paddle
Only a log to carve

Luckily my pain lost sight of his goal.
Looking for hope in the stars, only black awaits me outside this broken window.
I wonder when I'll find what awaits me beyond.
Pain brings such darkness, again I'm alone.

Judging by that smile,
You never meant for us to be.
It's sad, you waste your chance, yet complain about being unhappy!
I know that I could yet make everyday the best day of your life.

Albert Witz Biography

I like writing in my spare time. I don't know if I'm any good. That doesn't matter. I write for me. If you don't like it, tell me. I'll continue to do my thing for myself.)

The Best Poem Of Albert Witz

Late Night Woes

Dear silence, old friend of mine
ambiguity stricken doubt plaguing any inner sanctum
clinging to thoughts unspoken, wrought with insecurity
I bring no false duplicity, eternally bullied down by psychotic fits of misery
Follow me to the depths, the void, the barren vile world of my demise,
where those words which whip and lash reside,
where the memories mangled and mowed by blackness thrive,
where the subtle creeping shadows slowly enclose around my mind.

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