Alessandra Liverani Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sucking On A Poison

Sucking on a poison
Calms me down no end
Sucking on a poison
Something on which I can depend

The Addict's Mind

The addict's mind is forever spinning, turning
Bobbing, weaving, feinting, swerving
Reason tries to land a punch, no chance
The addict's mind can really dance

Myths And Misconceptions

The tooth fairy's not real, nor is the Easter Bunny
It's your Mummy and Daddy who cough up the money
And Santa Claus with his red coat and sackful of gifts
He's just a fable, a fabrication, a myth

What Part?

What part of 'Just stop! ' don’t you understand
It doesn’t seem to be an overly complicated command
What part of 'Smoking kills! ' doesn’t make any sense
It’s not for me to say that you are seeming a little dense

We Like To Give Children A Choice

There aren't enough choices, we think there's a gap
So we'd like to offer the choice of breathing in crap
We won't quite put it like that, to the young in our fold
We'll spin it and turn it, make them think they're so bold

Can You Do It?

Can you do it, can you do it
Can you really take the plunge
Can you not puff one forever
And get rid of all that gunge

Play Time

Children, please come inside, the light is going fast
But Mum, we can't, there's a dragon we must get past
A fire breathing monster guarding the front gate
We can't fight against it, it's spewing venom and hate

The Faraway Tree

Deep in an enchanted forest, grew a magic tree
Inside its trunk was a slippery dip so you could slide down easily

Panic Attack

Panic is a feeling that we all know very well
Anxiety and uneasiness are others I could tell
Although they serve a purpose, we avoid them at all cost
When they appear within us we'd like to tell them to get lost

I Bow Before You

Oh wondrous cigarette of many different brands
How many you have helped across our widespread lands
I bow before you, Almighty God
Not for a second do I think you are a fraud

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