Andre Brown

Andre Brown Poems

From birth you question 'Where am I? '
you lost your home and all you knew
New life, they tell you how to live
you don't exist, and start to die

I long to see, to feel your presence,
The beauty of your essence,
I get lost in your eyes,
The window to your soul,


Everything exists now, past, future, and present,
As we move through time we make connections in order to improve our development,
Life starts small and progresses with movement,
And slowly but surely we grow to full stature always having room for improvement,

If every star in the sky represents 1 second I think about you...imagine,
As I gaze at the cosmos every second is worth having,
I drift into the milky way with the memories of each day, what should I do..what should I say,
I marvel at your beauty,

endless days, silent nights,
can anyone hear my silent cries,
is anybody there, does anybody care,
are you real or a disguise,

If everyone has a destiny why do we have to choose,
If everything happens for a reason what have you got to loose,
So many questions, so very few clues,
So very little time, so much to do,

Happiness is always fleeting,
It's always temporary,
Joy, on the other hand, is constant, Stationary,
It comes from the heart,

You're all I can think about,
no matter what I do,
I cannot deny my feelings for you,
I drift away,

There comes a time,
when you come to find,
the one thing you didn't want to,
only because what you wanted so bad,


We are like islands in the sea,
Separate on the surface, but connected by the deep,
We can never cross the ocean until we have the courage to lose sight of the shore,
When we let go of what we are we become much more,

They say when the going gets tough the tough gets going,
And the strong stay to fight the battle,
So is it better to be a tough coward or a strong noble warrior
Who sits firmly on his saddle,

the mind is a terrible thing to waste
for within it lies a sacred place
a place where dreams are made and thoughts are cultivated
where we as children develop and are motivated

To be defined is to be identifyed, therfore knowledge is power

the more you know the less you have to worry about per hour

I am fuelled by Anger, crippled by pain
Inspired by love and manipulated by the same
Who am I if I am you, <<woah is me
If I am me then who is he? >>


The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,
The fire which fuels our most vivid dream,
It is all you need to realize,
What you see when you close your eyes,

the ballad of love marked by the elements of pain,
including happiness and moments of joy that cannot be explained,
the calm before the storm expected at long last,
nostalgia... a bittersweet longing for the past,


Reality is based on the decisions you make,
And the decisions you've made have lead you thus far,

He who from April dates his years,
Diamonds shall he offer, lest bitter tears,
To the child of October, born out of woe,
For better or worse, life's changes must know,

Even though money does not grow on trees
It is still a bi-product of it
Sweet irony you've got to love it
believe it or not; only thing that matters is profit

A beautiful mind is a precious thing to waste,
equally so is a beautiful face,
true beauty comes from deep within,
be confident in yourself and you will know where to begin,

Andre Brown Biography

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The Best Poem Of Andre Brown

From The Stars

From birth you question 'Where am I? '
you lost your home and all you knew
New life, they tell you how to live
you don't exist, and start to die

A world where no one sees your eyes
the mirror lies, each step is false
You learn to deny, to hate and forget
What is left of you, it slowly dies

What little memories you could keep
are taken from you, by each breath you take
Not believed, nor loved for who you truly are
Dear one from the Stars, you are asleep

Born to struggle, right from start
Where will life find itself once again?
You search for home but can never find,
Did you not know, your home is now in your heart?

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