Ana Maria Alma Delafuente

Ana Maria Alma Delafuente Poems

My bright, shining star

In the midst of a long, dark night on Earth,
I bow in deep gratitude before you,

Our love lives where clouds form.
When snow falls from sky to earth,
It melts and journeys down the mountain as water.
It joins the river and runs for many miles.

Come to me my self
Come to me my friend
Let us walk together
Through hidden forest path

A road that I once traveled
took me by the sea.

If you filter new information through a colored lens or avoid attaining specific knowledge because it might challenge or disprove your current beliefs, then your pursuit of truth is not genuine.

To honestly pursue knowledge of truth, you must set aside presuppositions and follow truth wherever it leads—even if it means going down rabbit holes you never knew existed.

After love and a happy home,
The most important things parents can give their children

Are to teach them

I found the answers
inside of me.

Do not be afraid

In my dreams I can see;
I can see so far away.
I wish I knew who I might be
Long from now when I will say:

I can not move.
I cannot move my arms and legs;
I can not move.

So I put you to rest again.

Like a fallen star, your fire has gone out.
So quickly it went out.

Oh moon, dear moon, can you hear me?
Your voice is sweet this night.
It shines through the bareness of the birch,
and glitters the snow beneath my feet.

Sweet perfume rises from the earth
as I tread under foot
needles of fragrant pine.

Your eyes slay me;
I cannot endure their beauty,
My devoted heart is wholly wounded.
And yet a word from you will quickly heal

And I melt, even I.
You have done it.

I cry tears for a joy that is not mine.
I see it every day as I gaze upon your faces, that joy:
To love and be loved, and to unite in lasting companionship.

Let us rethink what we believe
about the nature of reality.
The more information we have,
the more clearly it can be seen

Be very cautious
That you do not escape
One form of mind control,
Only to be ensnared by another.

Ana Maria Alma Delafuente Biography

Greetings! I'm Ana Maria Alma Delafuente. Deeply spiritual, I walk between worlds as a shaman, light warrior, and healer. I'm a free thinker, truth seeker, philosopher, poet, writer, classically trained singer, photographer, nature lover, and mother. I dance. I value life, freedom, love, respect, and dignity. I love to read, study, explore, learn, grow, and continually develop myself. I enjoy plunging into the vast depths of Infinite Consciousness, contemplating the simple pleasures of life, and everything in between. Thank you for this opportunity to connect. Together, let's lift the vibration of this planet and beyond.)

The Best Poem Of Ana Maria Alma Delafuente

A Mother's Heart, We Are One | A Poem

My bright, shining star

In the midst of a long, dark night on Earth,
I bow in deep gratitude before you,
blessing your feet with kisses and tears of love.

I long for you, my darling, and yet,
what is absence or distance between us?
It does not exist, for we are one.
I am with you always,
and you are always with me.
I am within you, as you are within me,
and I surround you, as you surround me.

You are a wonder of wonders in my eyes,
and I stand in awe
of the magnificence of all that you are.
Even in your perceived imperfections,
you are perfect perfection,
imperative in this story of creation.

Follow the song of your heart, my love,
and always be true to the best within you.
I love you. I love you. I love you.

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