Daren Walker

Daren Walker Poems

The Three Little Bears

It was a warm summer’s day and young Goldilocks went out into the woods to play.
The trees were so high, they touched the sky, and the flowers and plants were a sea of rainbow colours to the eye.

The battle gets down to a tug of war,
I can't believe the power of his paws;
'Hey Max, slow down, this is no running race,
Please, can we try a nice walking pace? '

Is it true that when I grow old,
I could lose my hair and go bald?
And I also have been told,
It may turn silver, not bronze or gold.

There's no bigger smile than my crocodile smile.
I hide in disguise in chocolate waters peeping with my eyes.

I wait... and wait for juicy buffalo steaks
and hippo cakes in tropical lakes.

It's a cold, cold, day.
The sun has gone away
Maybe it's on holiday?
Far, far, away.

Darkness covers the garden
The sun has gone to bed
Flowers have lost their colour
While shadows hide the shed

In dreams you can have what ever you want

In dreams it seems you can have what ever you want,
Sometimes you have to look deep and search and hunt.

Mr Caterpillar

Hello Mr Caterpillar
Upon my hedge.

You were created with joy
In the morning light,
By a little boy.
You excite and delight.

So it is, like one big kiss,
Like a stampede of elephants
I make my mark on this,
I catch my prey,

I know I am dyslexic,
Not all that alphabetic,
I feel so pathetic,
I really do try my best

Mr Caterpillar

Mr Caterpillar upon my hedge,
Please be careful on that edge.

My Teddy Bear
Goes with me
We climb up the stairs

A Christmas Story

'It's just after midnight, ' said the elves,
'Santa, you have to go! It's a minute past twelve!

Christmas in the Garden

Snow is falling on the land,
The pond has frozen fast.

The Best Poem Of Daren Walker

The Three Little Bears

The Three Little Bears

It was a warm summer’s day and young Goldilocks went out into the woods to play.
The trees were so high, they touched the sky, and the flowers and plants were a sea of rainbow colours to the eye.

Goldilocks went to a part of the woods she had not been to before.
In fact, no one had ever been there at all...
The bears lived out there and they would eat you for their lunch,
Especially tasty little children they love to munch!

In the distance, Goldilocks saw a pretty house, as pretty as can be!
A house she just had to go and see.
She slowly walked to the front door, it was opened ajar,
''Anyone home? '' There was no reply and outside was no car.

Goldilocks could smell something sweet and tasty in the air.
It was coming from inside the house; she had to look in there.
She followed the smell to a room with a table and chairs.
On the table was freshly made porridge and no one else was there.

Goldilocks could not resist the temptation and dipped a spoon in the first,
The biggest bowl! ''This is far too hot! I will have no more, '' said Goldilocks.
The second bowl was a little smaller, ''Yuck! Too much nutmeg in this one! ''
Goldilocks saw the last bowl, the smallest of the three,
That bowl of porridge was all eaten with such delight,
It was so very delicious with every bite! Until it was all gone, of course.

After eating the porridge, little Goldilocks felt she wanted to snooze.
Up some stairs, she found three beds to choose.
The first bed, ''Oh this bed is far too big, the mattress is too hard! '' Goldilocks said.
The second bed, ''This does not feel very comfy. In fact, it feels a bit too lumpy! ''
The third bed, ''This bed is the best of them all! Just the right size. I will rest on this nice soft bed! ''
But Goldilocks fell asleep and started to dream instead.

A little later, a car pulled up outside the bears’ house.
It was the Three Little Bears, they had been shopping.
Mummy Bear had bought a new blouse.
So in the house the bears went and Daddy Bear said,
''It was a shame this morning not having time to eat our breakfast.
We were in a rush but now we can microwave it if we must! ''

But to Daddy Bear’s surprise, he looked at the bowls of porridge with his eyes.
''Someone’s been eating my porridge! '' said Daddy Bear.
''Someone’s been eating mine too! '' said Mummy Bear.
''My porridge is all gone! And I have not even been fed! '' said Baby Bear.

Daddy Bear, Mummy Bear and Baby Bear looked at each other.
They could hear a noise upstairs.
''Can't be Santa, it's not Christmas, '' said Baby Bear.
''Then who could it be? It's none of us three, '' said Mummy Bear.

Up the stairs all the bears climbed to see who was about.
Goldilocks awoke and saw the bears and started to shout,
''Please do not eat me! ''
Then Mummy Bear said, ''Don't be scared little girl. We are not the bad bears from the stories that are read.
Come and join us for a feast of yummy food. I will make some honey cakes and we can also invite Little Red Riding Hood.

Goldilocks now visits the Three Little Bears whenever she can.
She even babysits Baby Bear who now calls her Nan.

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