Deborah White

Deborah White Poems


You wear a mantle of exquisite beauty
which belies your tender age. A
serene warm gentleness, which
comes from within. Borne with a

Everyone wants to go to Blue Bell Woods
it’s safe and it’s clean and it’s just so very pretty.
Quiet, hushed, not a movement or sound; in this
dreamy, floating, lavender blue, scented flower city.

A tiny Forget me not peeps
through the frosted snow
He has nothing else to do and
nowhere else to go.

I don’t give a green eyed, diddly squat
about what you or anyone has or hasn’t got.
The simple things in life really do please me.
Like sitting quietly, havin a nice cup of tea.

I see a solitary pebble swept up onto a quiet shore
And it makes me think that perhaps, it could be
something just a little bit special, maybe something
just a little bit more. Is it really only a sea stone, a

Five pairs of bleary wet eyes
all staring into a tiny neat box.
Looking at Kevin, just lying there
Eyes tight shut and fast asleep.

Crinoline crimson ladies
lift their pretty faces to smile at the sun
black eyes dancing, happy and joyful every single one.

In my heart still, I sing a sentimental old love song
indulgent and clichéd, and two verses too long.

For almost forty years since I was a small slip of
a girl, I have tried so very hard to remember my
tiny yellow puppies name. But it just never came.
I could see us in my mind’s eye, playing together.

There is no sinister darkness there is no omnipotent light
There is no shadow of death only the still quiet spirit of life.
Tall pine trees birds snowdrops blades of fresh new grass
So much more than there is Mengele’s fallen chimneys

A little Newcastle born and bred sixties
lassie, cute ringlets in rags in a baby
pink nylon nightie jumped right off
the bedroom window ledge like Peter

My Pisa bedroom dressing table
mirror frightened me. The first
couple of nights and I was fine
happy comfortable and relaxed.

I had a smashing box bogie the best go-kart
on our estate and my dad made it specially
for me. Two big shiny pram wheels at the back
two smaller ones at the front. With a painted

I could never learn to darn crochet sew or knit
my mother bless her red head patiently tried
for years to show me how. My sisters cousins
grandmas, friends, neighbours all could, it

The River of Bridges flows through my life and will meander on when
I am long gone. My river has seen things that I’ve not seen things I can
only dream. My great grandmother walking along its banks with a
baby my grandma in her arms. An infant cradled in the promise of

I wonder have you ever wanted something so badly every inch
of your body ached. I did when I was fifteen years old. The
eldest of six not much money in the house, I tried so hard not
to want or to ask for anything at all. But I just couldn’t stop

Two sweet gentle hearts brought together by chance.
A charming love story; rapt cleverly in romance.
Still, soft, whispered, hushed as an Irish lullaby.
True love knows no bounds so reach for the sky.

I played a buskers saxophone
in my pink satin pyjamas;
On a lovely summers evening,
outside the Pantheon in Rome.

I sit and I wonder, was William’s cloud
really so lonely, he didn’t seem to be.
And could he ever truly be as lonely
as when one of us is lost. When we

Cold glistening radiant a frosted beautiful icy gem;
glistening white blue, with a frozen drenched touch.
A reflective covered land mirrors unmoved winter dreams.
With magical sparkling flurries and ice wrapped streams.

The Best Poem Of Deborah White


You wear a mantle of exquisite beauty
which belies your tender age. A
serene warm gentleness, which
comes from within. Borne with a
a kindness of heart so very rare;
a special gift from God his love
laid bare

You carry with elegance charm
and poise an extraordinary air
of tranquillity and calm. Clearly
spangled in your winter blue eyes
the happiness you bring to us.
And revealed in your pretty young
face, the radiance of innocence;
mirrored in your loveliness and grace

A quietness of nature you wear with ease
your laughter and gaiety a fitting crown.
Benevolence care and love you willingly
share, for others you are selfless always
there. A generosity of spirit is your gift to us
that’s why you are loved so very much

You are adored much more than you
will ever know, a mothers treasure to
celebrate to cherish and to hold. A
jewel of rose petal silk, worth so very
much more than riches of silver or
precious gold. And so fittingly named,
we called you Amy meaning Beloved

Our beautiful daughter 'Amare'

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