Diana Euyoque

Diana Euyoque Poems

They fled those who treated them like scum
Bees they have become; flying rose to rose
From across the world these poor souls have come
Working like slaves with sweat upon their brows.

Yellow flower wallpaper,
A rusted white stove,
A refrigerator that never seems to be clean,
(Yet we know thats not true)

Do I trust you?
You’re like every other guy.

Like a puppy opening his eyes for the first time,
Like a baby bird spreading its wings for the first time,
Like a flower opening its pedals for the first time,

I am sorry if I ever pulled your hair,
If I ever screamed at you,
If I ever treated you unfair,
If I ever put you in hard situations to go through,

How do I tell
The story of how hard I fell?
To whom do I turn to
And tell everything I've gone through?

Tick Tock goes the Clock
Tick Tock, can't make it Stop
Tick Tock Smiles Freeze
Tick Tock my Sobs in the Breeze

I look upon the mirror
Look at the stranger I now am
An unspeakable horror
Who has my life damned?

Hi My First Love,

We’ve been through a lot,
You and I.

I want to dance away all the pain.

With every twirl,

I'd eliminate a tear, 


Whispers scream for my Sacrifice,
And with Them I cannot argue,
Their hunger I must Suffice,
If I want to live a life that is True.

This poem was written for one of my Best Friends for her Quinceñera Birthday Card. I find the words 'Happy Birthday' to be quite empty at times, esspeacially when one hears them over and over and over again, they begin to lose their meaning. I wrote to her this poem instead of writing Happy Birthday in her card.

Sitting in your room reading Twilight
Reading about a vampire and a werewolf who wanted but could not fight.

This was the very first poem I wrote, on a hot summer afternoon while watching a sad romantic soap opera, which I can not remember the name of. I was about 11 years old.

Once upon a disaster
There was a Prince

When I hold your hands I feel like I belong
Like if I have someone there keeping me strong
You make me feel so happy when you take time to talk to me
The feelings that rush through me I wish that you could see

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I fear that stranger from afar
He looks and wanders
Face all covered with scars.

When I am alone
In this room made of stone
I become lost in my mind.
What clue exactly am I trying to find?

Everything slows down in that moment,
As if gravity is no longer holding you down
Your world is quiet for that split second that lasts forever,
And your stomach is stuck in an elevator somewhere.

Diana Euyoque Biography

I am what you read, I am what you see, I am who I am and I will let my poetry tell you my story....)

The Best Poem Of Diana Euyoque

Immigration Sonnet

They fled those who treated them like scum
Bees they have become; flying rose to rose
From across the world these poor souls have come
Working like slaves with sweat upon their brows.
Past the rapid rivers and steep mountains
Across the ocean and the desert, too.
In great hopes to drink from Golden fountains
Their willingness has managed to break through.
All they have is the hopes and dreams they made.
When they decided to make the journey
Oblivious to the game being played,
All they yearned for was to at least be free.
Immigrants, for a new life, theirs they have lost;
Their lives mean nothing if that is the cost.

Diana Euyoque Comments

David Toomey 03 February 2014

Hi I'm a high school student from New Hampshire and I rather enjoyed your poems, particularly the Immigration Sonnet. I was interested to know if you are an immigrant yourself, and if so, if you feel a personal connection to the message.

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