Hardik Vaidya Poems

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To Those Who Write Less

Some write less,
They think, polish, reset and test,
Finally when the soup just seems right,
It meets the salt lacking since time infinite,


Eureka! it is alive.
It slipped on a banana skin, and felt the hamstring gripe.
It did went tender and red, there was slight swelling.
When I ignored you child while you were begging,

I Want To Be A Cow

I want to be a cow.
grazing lazy all day around.
belching when i feel like,
and gazing at nothing till time sighs.

Stick No Bills

We see you everywhere,
On large bill boards,
Plastered on walls,
Hanging on poles,

The 5th Season

There is one more season,
Its also called the Marriage season.
The stars, moon, sun and a couple of planets,
Sit over a drink and decide, watching a few box office balles,

My Blackberry Beeps

I have an appointment to keep.
My Blackberry Beeps,
I have a presentation to tweet.
My Blackberry Beeps,

Aphids In Sikkim

Eyes, you shut yours, I shut mine, what do we do about the light?
Names, you change yours, I change mine, what do we do about those we whisper in our minds?
Thoughts, you shut yours, I shut mine, what do we do about the soul that spans our times?
Pens, you write elegant, I write crude, what do we do when they meet in the same root?


Banish me, from your life.
Life is your mind, thoughts, emotions, strife.
Can you banish me from the light that falls on your eyes?
Banish me from your life,

Ode To My Desert.

The deserts may be a geological reality,
But to me they are a blessing in surreal calamity.
If there were no vast endless lands,
Where would I find a reflection of vacant ends?


When Tagore wrote about you,
I don't think he contemplated the woman that is you.
Borrowing from Nehru,
Such moments come but rarely in history,

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