Hardik Vaidya Poems

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Fathers Hanging.

I am 14. A boy just in my teens.
The death of my father,
Was brought to me by the newspaper.
Head lines screamed.

Mumbai My Love

The winners claim your nights,
Plunder you, relish you, and you scream in delight.
At just about 11 AM the punters put you to bet,
They play you to bed, they want you on bed, you bite them off

Survival Of Youth

At 2 Pm, when the sun is right,
Right because he burns bright.
It's humid as always,
To sweat is sweetness.

Man And Nature

I almost killed a Pegion,
She was flying well below 50.
I was cursing on the sealink exactly at speed limit.
Had I hit the bird.

Enigma Of Creativity

Why do I write poems?
Why do I split rinds of Onion?
What do I get by digging into my minds grave?
What further is left for me to crave?

Vouge Women

The women who work for Vouge.
Young, vivacious, and full of blokes.
Their bodies are like Swarovski.
Crafted for keeps, in the shelfs of a mans precious wall piece.

Peeping Tom

It is a fresh day, I deplane my bed of dreams.
Walk to my window sill, to peep out and check what's in.
I see walks of all talks, some slow some fast
Some burning food, some fat, some fuel, some past.


Now I know your little secret,
How silly of me to not get it straight.
Why your tail blinks right,
When you want to take a left.


I have the right, to peck on you.
I drive the Bentley, look when I talk to you.
You be at my beck and call,
I drive the Audi, stand up when you see me honk.

Road Sides And Middles

Digging of roads is a national passion.
The difference is in the obsession.
Sides are dug, long lanes all through,
Development, hope, life, wife is flowing through.

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