John Carter Brown Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Phone Call... Please

The telephone is melting
The wife's been on all day;
I need to get a call made
But don't know how to say.

No Set Dates

There are no set dates for the summer
Or for autumn, or winter, or spring,
We know they've arrived as we feel them,
It's part of the joy of the thing.

Oh Well!

If only I could bend like I used to,
If only I could see through the gloom,
If only my joints would behave themselves
As I walk to my chair 'cross the room;

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day morning on Radio 2
November eleventh request:
Two minutes of silence again, if you please
For the fallen, and don't you protest!

I'M Not Looking

I'm not bothered by
How many points I get,
I'm not looking for
Hearts or stars or things

Today I Saw

Today I saw my Grandson
His head was in a muddle
He messed around until he slipped
And fell into a puddle;

Limerick 135

There was an odd-job man from Settle
Who purchased a second-hand kettle;
But after one week
It started to leak

Upon Moonbeams

Upon moonbeams my heart did sing
'Twas you that made it so,
For you and I are everything
Within the midnight glow;

Eleven Today

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Today you're eleven
That's nine add on two.

Limerick 116 (For Lora)

A hot-headed girl named Lorraine
Once stood, with no hat, in the rain;
She shouldn't have oughta
But said that the water

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