Ken e Hall

Ken e Hall Poems

You're dancing in flowers this lover's fair
I'm stepping on clouds floating on air,
Swinging on stars dreaming on cue
Sliding down rainbows nearer to you,

..................................If only mankind new.

..................In all holy wars between religious factions,

I am me, a walking talking living human
I, caged in my brain myself in command
Always thinking carried by my train of thoughts,
Stopping at stations of life rebounding with kindness


The shining star so far above
Twinkle signs of twinkle love,

So to the star blow your flying kisses

I’m not here to quote thy face akin to a rose
Nothing but nothing grows to match your beauty pose,

Your sparkling eyes make diamond dull as a dismal day,

Loves highway draws teenagers
....... on thru the night
.........Emotion lays heavy their hearts,

Nanna’s charge little Shirley all but four
Grabbed the chocolate and closed the door,
On her face round her mouth, sticky dress
Melted chocolate what a mess!

Dimmed to infiltrate the forest of the night
The single lamp post of the moon,
Shines her recycled yesterday's sunshine,
The leaves move in harmony rustling the tune


If I was the leader of the pack
I would eradicate

The seeds of dreamtime dwell in the centre of a child's spirituality,
Natural wisdom's mindful appreciation of the present moment
Presents to their logic, angels can sing and teddy bears can talk,
Mummy will never leave and Pinocchio can walk,

A single grain of sand doth

Equal part weight of my love for my love,

Daffodils smiling

Still, dancing reaching always

Two young lovers in the back seats of the movie house
Beautiness cuddliness loveliness holding hands,
Youths pleasure, everyone quiet as a mouse
The flickering light shows a Caliph riding across the burning sands,

Hole in one record

Broken thirteen times, no more,

The cold morning wind clinically
Undresses the flower’s petal dress,
Still standing tall the birth of seeds begins
Their random atmospheric journey,

My heart doth make
A beat for the rhythm of my love,
Carried by my wings of a dove
Flying round you, loving you, calling

As Mankind consumes

Everything, it’s Coaxing Mother

In dreams feelings are real floating in a space of memories
Your face so so beautiful lighting my world inside closed eyes,
I cannot control the third person I feel I am
I can see myself, dreaming of dreams of you nothing else,

Instinct the crystal

Ken e Hall Biography

What a life thank you god, Act won I am a fallen star but I am the leading man for my familyWhat a life thank you god, Act won I am a fallen star but I am the leading man for my family. The S/Haiku 'Confidence' I wrote Did not work for me [Backbone's filled with self Confidence needs reliance On no one, Dad's gift] For my dad left when I was 3 and I never ever saw him again, so how did I fill my backbone...when I was 11 I took on the school Hulk and bully who was thumping a smaller boy, I ended up with a broken leg..when I was 17 joined the Kings Royal Rifle Corps then joined the Parachute regiment.They put me thru six weeks of the toughest training imaginable running, climbing trees, boxing with no bell, racing other companies with a telegraph pole up a hill and down the other side, jumping off moving lorries.You either passed or failed to get in the Para Regiment,2 guys got a recourse to do the whole thing again I was one of them, later passing and going on to get my wings and filling my backbone with confidence.At 19 I married my sweetheart Gloria who was only 16 and we have been together Dancing together all our lives to this very day...Very much in love. That sphere in the eerie night sky in her fullness oozes blueness creates wonder and awe pock mark circles dot its surface How can it be the suns syzygy so barren no life emphatic in its trueness Silent so still commanding our oceans with such grace)

The Best Poem Of Ken e Hall

*** Dancing In Flowers ***

You're dancing in flowers this lover's fair
I'm stepping on clouds floating on air,
Swinging on stars dreaming on cue
Sliding down rainbows nearer to you,

You hide behind daisies with buttercup class
Still peeking thru' locks of a golden haired lass,
A bunny falls back as you quickly dance by
As I float down from the super blue sky.

Ah, I see you soft an' so still in a beautiful pose
Smiling hiding in the folds of a rose,
For a kiss indeed I miss thorns so scary,
Inside the rose it's all in a day's work for the love
of a fairy.

Ken e Hall Comments

Mohamad Poya 13 February 2010

hello poetry you extremely sensitive to the tragedy human life looks dark i hardly your poetry traslated with google... ... fallen in love with you mohamad poya

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H Aitoro 30 March 2009

The world is lacking a serious dose of hugs! Ken thanks for reminding us all what we need alot more of! H Aitoro

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Geetha Jayakumar 30 December 2013

Poet Ken e Hall One of the talented and respected poet. His poems flows freely on any topics. He has wonderful collection of Haikus. Its a beautiful gift you are blessed with. Thank you for many beautiful comments for my poems. May you keep on contributing many valuable poems to this poetic world. Wishing you all the best. God Bless!

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Poetheart Morgan 05 September 2012

Great Poet, thanks for so gentle and sensitive comments about my poem.

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Ramesh Rai 30 July 2012

I heartly regard the great poet. his vision are great but simple which can be understood by any one. I pray the almighty to give him more spirit to create more and more poems. to day i m observing poetry is going to be obsolete but poetry can not be ignored. once upon a time there were so many poets in irrespective of the language but now it has become less. To keep the poetry alive name of Mr. Hall will remain ever. With my best and sincere regards

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Malaya Roses 11 February 2011

The poet is having a colorful variety of ideas, reflection and thoughts. He made the poems become so amazing by a creative and innovative way of writing them. Clearly, the poet could bring amusement in his poem and he could bring the heaviest issue with such complexity of words but the message is still clear and affirmative. Reader will be able to understand his poetry works and could feel his sincerity towards his poems. He is the man with wonderful thoughts.

4 1 Reply
Rae Jones 17 March 2010

hey, this is funny. Poetry isn't s'posed to be funny (is it?

3 1 Reply

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