King Midas

King Midas Poems


Go ahead and make me sad
It’s okay if it makes you happy
Rip my heart out and stomp on it
It’s okay if it makes you happy

Precious girl of glory,
I write you today to say
I'm ready to tell you now
That I shall never betray

Got caught up in your glory once again
Still shrouded by this coat of immortal sin
Playing shallow games I cannot win
But I'm still pretending every thing's okay


They say that beauty is only skin deep-
But they’ve never met her
They haven’t seen her glow like I have

My heart turned to stone
As my soul burns to ash
An angel's golden touch
This life starts to flash

I can taste the pouring out of desire
In every syllable that you breathe
I know you want nothing more
Than to quench that of which you seek


Can't believe it's over now
My feelings I shall hide
For every time I said I love you
A part of me has died

So many things I'd like to say to you
But it's not like my words matter anyway
So many things I'd like to share with you
But when I'm close you always fade away

Man Inside the Bottle Drank Away His Dreams
Man Inside the Bottle He knows not what it means
Man Inside the Bottle Poison on your breath
Man Inside the Bottle The Fresh Scent of Death

Hear ye! Hear ye!
Hear the sounds of war!
The war drum sets the pulse.

You look at me with guilty eyes
Your pleasure in pain, Your sacrifice
A second choice, a moments regret
You're nothing now, a worthless debt

Only in this cold world
Can a crippled boy smile
A murderer can walk our streets
A young man can leave his child

I've waited many moons
Just to catch her shallow glances
I've dreamed of lands so far away
A thousand's night romances


Father in Heaven
Or maybe in Hell
How're things going
Here they aren't so well

In a world full of wrong
Of lust and of lies
there walks true love
That you can see in their eyes


The treasure lays in a place
So very far away
A place I've only been to once
Yet I dream of every day

Listen to the teardrops
Raining down from the Heaven's above
Rolling thunder repetition
Lightning strikes the chord of love

Cried a tear today
No one noticed
Wiped it away
And no one cared

This world is sadistic-
Cut-throat; back stab
Why can't we be like children,
Maintain our innocence

You walked out on me
Just like I walked out on you
Everything turned so bittersweet
And everything came unglued

King Midas Biography

In the most golden world of King Midas, nobody has a name, nobody has a face, nobody has an opinion. A golden world is a blind world, a selfless world, and a loving world. Hair and clothes matter none; intent and truth reign supreme. A fair worl, one without poverty and injustice, a world where love conquers all, and love is based solely on everything that lays inside. Welcome to my kingdom, my escape, my dreams; a land where everything is golden.z Hello, I am King Midas. I'm your typical 18 year old male. I love music and writing, but I also shun fame and notoriety. That is the reason for my pseudo K.M. I don't want much to be known about me. I want to be like the great musicians, Kurt Cobain, Syd Barret, John Lennon....Bob Dylan...the great writers. The men who would understand every ounce of pain or happiness I could possess. I would just like to note that I am not a self mutilator, nor have I ever been. However, I have had experiences with friends and relatives that are, thus the 'cutter poems'. If you think it is 'emo', or classifiable for that matter, you are wrong and your opinion is not welcome. We all struggle with our problems, and some people choose that method. Thank You Please leave feedback)

The Best Poem Of King Midas


Go ahead and make me sad
It’s okay if it makes you happy
Rip my heart out and stomp on it
It’s okay if it makes you happy

Pour salt inside these wounds
I’ll lick them clean if it makes you happy
Corrode my heart like an ancient ruin
I’ll live there forever if it makes you happy

I don’t care if it makes you happy
I don’t care if it makes you happy
I don’t care about myself just as long
As you’re always happy
I’ll survive all of this
As long as I know you’re always happy
Whatever makes you happy!
Whatever makes you happy!

Burn the photographs; forget about me
I’ll forget about me too, if it makes you happy
I’m so sorry if I ever hurt you
Baby you’re the only thing that makes me happy

I miss the dimple upon your chin
I just miss, being happy
I’m sorry for anything I’ve done
And I’m sorry I can’t make you happy
I just wish I could make you happy

King Midas Comments

Taco@sn 08 March 2019

I hate everyone. Period

1 0 Reply
See Lee 08 February 2007

very good poems and meaningful

3 1 Reply

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