Mira Graves Poems

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Lost Hope

“Look closely at the horizon so endless,
tell me what it is, that your eyes see.”
Gently resting on the mizen, action-less
a dear and close friend asked of me.

The Power Of Words

Tis all what great kings seek,
the power and jewels from their lands.
Yet they dislike everything that is bleak
and thus, they rage war with indisputable commands

True Self

The silent tears that mark my cheeks,
will never be seen outside of me.
My quiet cries and sufferings,
shall be seen as carefree happiness.


On cold winters night,
fighting with all their might,
fearless warriors in their right,
run with laughs to join the fight.

Selfish Love

In my soul’s darkness,
I found a strange warmth,
that was in all it’s aggressiveness,
welcomed deeply, thats the truth.

Wishful Day

Waking up to a gloomy day,
far away from the month of May.
Fighting battles as a way,
to rid yourself of every dismay.

The Truth About You And Me

For years have I been by thy side,
Did you not see my shadow?
Did you not feel my longing?
Did you not take me into account?

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